Latest Round in Detrick v. Conley Goes to Defendant; Anti-SLAPP Can Proceed

February 9, 2014 | The latest round in the litigation between Elk Grove resident Brian Detrick and Elk Grove activist Connie Conley...

February 9, 2014 |

The latest round in the litigation between Elk Grove resident Brian Detrick and Elk Grove activist Connie Conley went to the defendant.

Conley is being sued for defamation of character by Detrick, the son of Elk Grove City Council Member Steve Detrick, stemming from an email the younger Detrick alleged Conley sent that defamed his character and caused him loss of income. The email sent from Conley allegedly said that Detrick was operating as a commercial fundraiser without the proper license.

Subsequent to Detrick's filing, Conley filed a so-called anti-SLAPP counter-lawsuit. Although an October, 2013 ruling stated Conley could pursue her claim against Detrick, it denied her motion to quash Detrick's suit.

In a ruling issued last Thursday by Judge David I. Brown, a motion filed by Detrick seeking to dismiss Conley's Anti-SLAPP suit was denied.    

In the October ruling Conley's motion to quash Detrick's suit was denied because a letter from the California Attorney General's (AG) said that Detrick "may be providing" commercial fund raising and the court could not conclude if he was required to register as a commercial fundraiser.   

The ruling noted that a November 4, 2013 letter introduced by Conley said that the AG's office "issued a second 'Notice To Register As A [sic] Fundraising Professional For Charitable Purposes-Second Request' to Brian Detrick."

The ruling also said "The Court denies the plaintiff's request to conduct discovery. The discovery sought is from the office of the Attorney General, and plaintiff must already know the extent and content of his communications with that office." 

The ruling concluded saying that "Plaintiff Brian Detrick’s Motion to Strike Defendant’s Renewed Anti-SLAPP Motion, or in the alternative, for Limited Discovery is DENIED."

Detrick is being represented by attorney Daniel Stouder of the Sacramento Firm of Boutin Jones; Conley is represented by attorney Jeffry S. Kravitz.  The next hearing for case number 2013-00146665 is scheduled for April 11.  

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Judge Brown's Ruling said...

What Judge Brown's ruling said about the second Attorney General's letter was, "Unlike the previous letter from the Attorney General that this Court deemed to only be a suggestion that Detrick "may be providing services”, this letter explicitly states that Detrick "is providing services" [emphasis added].”

Coffee Bean said...

I just wonder if this is all worth it for Junior? I mean how many events can there possibly be to plan and support a living, and to pay legal expenses to boot! Unless he got that City event planning job, it just seems pointless. Just sayin'.

Dr. William "Snapper" Foster Jr. said...

"Like sands through the hourglass... so are the Days of Our Lives."

Anonymous said...

The saga continues, but now has moved to the children. How sad is that? There is a learning curve our children sometimes have to make when entering into the business world and it is our duty to help them in that. Everyone loses when a lawsuit enters that phase...JMHO

Anonymous said...

According to her sworn declaration, Ms. Conley did not insert herself into Brian Detrick’s business. He asked her for help because this is her field of expertise. And why Mr. Detrick, didn't register as a commercial fundraiser, as he said he would after getting advice from the attorney general, is for him to answer. Clearly, by the evidence filed, Detrick knew back in April of 2011 he needed to register by sending an email to Gary Davis and Teresa Rodriguez telling them as much.

Commercial fundraising laws exist for a reason; to protect the public and for the charity to have a handle on exactly what is being raised on their behalf.

Anonymous said...

When is Ms Conley going to stop whining and complaining about everything?

Anonymous said...

I think we need people like Ms.Conley who have the interest, knowledge, and followthrough, to act on suspect activities of elected officials and their families.

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