Elk Grove City Council Member Makes Loan to Own Campaign Fund

July 29, 2014 | According to information filed with the Elk Grove City Clerk's office, Elk Grove City Council Member Steve Detric...

July 29, 2014 |

According to information filed with the Elk Grove City Clerk's office, Elk Grove City Council Member Steve Detrick extended a personal loan to his campaign fund.

The California Form 460 disclosure that was posted today showed that Detrick and his wife Jan Detrick, made personal loans of $25,000 and $6,500 respectively to his campaign committee during the six month period ending June 30, 2014. Detrick did not receive any contributions during the period.

During the same period, Detrick showed expenditures classified as professional services totaling $60,183. The two payments were made to the Sacramento-based law firms of Boutin Jones and Churchill White in the amounts of $56,188 and $3,995 respectively. 

Detrick made an additional expenditure of $1,500 to the California Fair Political Practices Commission. For the period, Detrick showed an ending cash balance of $1,312.   

The filing deadline or postmark for the three other council members, Jim Cooper, Gary Davis and Pat Hume, who have not yet filed their disclosures, is this Thursday afternoon. 

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Anonymous said...

Further evidence proving the only winners in a legal battle are the lawyers.

Warren Zevon said...

Send lawyers, guns and money, the sh@t has hit the fan.

Anonymous said...

One quick 460 view shows that Steve Detrick has paid Boutin Jones over $96K. He has stated publicly that he is not funding his son’s lawsuit with campaign funds. Boutin Jones is Junior Detrick’s attorney of record and that attorney has publicly stated that Junior is his only client.

Senior Detrick is very chatty with the press and loves the ink. So what trouble is Detrick in with his campaign that he has paid one law firm almost $100K in one’s year time?

Neither Elk Grove News nor the Elk Grove Citizen have reported on what those campaign woes are. Protecting Detrick perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Why did the campaign pay FPPC 1,500? That would seem to be a fine, right? A fine would indicate Detrick was punished for doing something wrong. Why would he be allowed to pay a fine with campaign monies? Shouldn't fines be paid for through the councilmembers private funds? I doubt those who donated to Detrick imagined their money was going for a fine for a misdeed. Dan, can you find out the reason for the 1,500 payment to FPPC? Is that public record??

Elk Grove News said...

Regarding the comment posted at 18:04. Below is story previously posted on EGN.

Story here.

Elk Grove News said...

Correction, regarding comment posted at 20:12.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for answering the two comments EGN. I knew there had been articles regarding the two questions, but didn't want to take the time to find them.

Anonymous said...

I agree with above...fines should be a personal responsibility not a political debt. The system is broken and Detrick is a perfect example of a scammer. He has fallen so far. Money truly does corrupt the weak and/or arrogant.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to the article that exposes what is really going on. What a shame on the waste of tax payer time and money spent on all of these complaints. Detrick's addional comments in the article pretty much tells it all.

Rodriguez interns for Mayor Gary Davis.

Detrick estimated the cost for agencies including the FPPC, the Sacramento County Grand Jury, and the city to investigative all of the complaints is around $250,000.

“There is no cost to file the complaint, there is no accountability to file the complaint, and there is no restitution to the agencies that have to investigate the complaints,” he said.

Detrick added, “It’s a gross abuse of what’s been done over the last two years by these four ladies.”

Anonymous said...

In levying the amount of the fine, the FPPC notes it is based on whether the elected official “deceived the voting public.”

By Detrick’s statements above, he is trying to deflect those legal fees by stating there were over 100 complaints filed against him and deceive the public so that we believe he spent almost $100K in legal fees to have his attorney defend him.

One records request will show that there have been four, one of which was sustained by the FPPC and one that is currently under FPPC investigation; and one was confidential. On fourth one, the city took no action with the city attorney saying there was no conflict of interest in Detrick voting to give the EG PAL $10,000 in taxpayer monies for the Fittest of Elk Grove in which his son would be receiving $10,000 as compensation for that event.

Additionally, in that same records request, the city clerk noted that "no city funds were expended to investigate the complaints.”

As for the other agencies such as the FPPC, that is why it exists to investigate elected officials and their wrongdoing. And by the looks of all the articles, and the heavy fines levied, that agency is very busy these days.

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