Cosumnes Community Services Awarded Maintenance, Operator Contract For Elk Grove Aquatics Center

October 12, 2017 |  

With no public comment and little deliberation, the Cosumnes Community Services District (CCSD ) was awarded a contract to operate the City of Elk Grove's Aquatic Center. 

With the 3 - 0 vote  taken at the Wednesday, October 12 Elk Grove City Council meeting (Council Member Pat Hume and Stephanie Nguyen were absent) the CCSD will operate and provide maintenance for the facility. The facility, which is the first phase of the city's long awaited Civic Center in the Laguna Ridge neighborhood, is currently under construction and is expected to be open by the summer of 2018.

According to the staff report for the agreement, the CCSD will organize a variety of fee-based recreational programs and with the help of the City, market the services. The CCSD will maintain the facility and will be responsible for day-to-day operations.

The facility is expected to generate about $1 million in revenue versus projected costs of $1.5 million annually. The CCSD will be reimbursed monthly for expenses that exceed revenue.

To make up for the projected operating deficit, the City will subsidize operations from the general fund. Additionally, the City is expected to budget $200,000 annually for major repairs.

"I'm really happy we have been able to come to agreement with the CSD because it's a natural fit," Vice Mayor Steve Detrick said.  


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D.J. Blutarsky said...

"I'm really happy we have been able to come to agreement with the CSD because it's a natural fit," Vice Mayor Steve Detrick said.

I seem to recall a couple years ago Mr. Detrick saying on the record that he wouldn't vote for any project that wasn't "revenue neutral". If a half-million dollars a year shortfall is revenue neutral, then I'll eat my swim cap!

Josie said...

Revenue neutral? Seems I've heard that before. Voters don't consider promises to be real promises, they recognize that they're buying a used car from somebody.

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