Campaign sign battles - New 'heights' reached in Elk Grove elections?

September 23, 2018 |

In local elections, like other ones up the political food chain, money is the mother's milk for victory. But unlike higher level offices, how that money is spent is somewhat different.

There are two tried and tested methods for someone seeking local office, in our case for the Elk Grove City Council or the Cosumnes Community Services District. Those time-tested methods to get a candidates' word out are mailers and the omnipresent lawn signs.

While mailers have not yet come out in full force, the campaign signs are popping up like weeds all over town. With the placement of these signs come a variety of shenanigans.

Who can forget when Sophia Scherman's ran for Elk Grove mayor in 2012 that one of the other candidates was allegedly witnessed defacing one of her larger corner signs? This weekend we spotted a curious placement of one of the candidates larger signs.

While it does not appear to be an illegal placement, its location is if nothing else curious and on a certain level demonstrative of how desperate candidates can become to market their candidacy. We suppose this candidate is, for now, The King of Hill in the Elk Grove campaign signs race.

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D.J. Blutarsky said...

Didn't our little King of the Hill hire a pilot last election to buzz our skies on election day, dangling a campaign banner from the plane's fuselage?

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