Fatherhood Conference To Be Held in Elk Grove

On June 20, 2009, the first Northern California Fatherhood Conference will held in Elk Grove. As such, the Elk Grove City Council will decl...

On June 20, 2009, the first Northern California Fatherhood Conference will held in Elk Grove. As such, the Elk Grove City Council will declare June 20 as Fatherhood Day and will be presenting a proclamation to the organizers at their June 10, 2009 council meeting.

In part the proclamation states, "The City Council of the City of Elk Grove hereby proclaims June 20, 2009 as Elk Grove Fatherhood Day and encourages Elk Grove fathers to commit themselves to the continuing love and care of their children, and for all its citizens to value responsibility and recognize the importance of fatherhood." The conference will be hosted and facilitated by Mayor Pat Hume and featured speakers include Council members Gary Davis and Steve Detrick and Dr. Chris West.

Whether you are a father or not, it does take village to raise a child. We hope that you will be able to join us for this conference.

The conference will be held in the Elk Grove City Council chamber from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. Attendance is free. RSVP by June 10. Call (916) 753-8326.

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Newton Ekpo said...

I would like to take this opportunity to invite all fathers and grandfathers to be a part of this wonderful and exciting program in our Elk Grove community. Become a mentor to prospective and Teen dads in our community. After all, " Every child deserves and needs an involved, responsible, and committed father."
Dad counts!
Newton Ekpo
Conference Director

Iffiok Udonwa said...

Good job brother Ekpo. Make it work for all children in our communities.

Eno-Idem, S.D. (HH)

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