Elk Grove City Manager, Attorney called ‘unprofessional’ by City Employee

Employees says city could 'save millions' Elk Grove News has received a letter addressed to the Elk Grove City Council from an unnam...

Employees says city could 'save millions'

Elk Grove News has received a letter addressed to the Elk Grove City Council from an unnamed city employee who has alleged city manager Laura Gill and city attorney Susan Cochran of, among other things, unprofessional conduct which has hurt city employee morale. (see letter below)

The employee states that the “arrogance” displayed by Gill and Cochran “have stripped away our morale, any sense of security and our ability to work as a team to produce a sense of pride in working or the City of Elk Grove.”

The employee also questions the pair’s conduct in which Gill and Cochran made “animal sound at each other during the entire course of the meeting.” The employee also accuses Cochran of constantly playing games in her Blackberry computing devise during meetings and playing solitaire and other games on her computer “all day long.”

With regards to recent employee layoffs, the employee said decisions were motivated primarily by subjective determinations on Gill’s part. Specifically it is alleged that Gill laid-off risk management employee Larry Brilliant because the employee believed Gill did not like Brilliant. To make it seem less subjective, the employee alleges Gill also laid-off another risk management employee so as not to give the appearance that Brilliant was specifically targeted.

The employee’s letter also questions several of the city’s business practices and offer suggestions that could “save millions.” The employee says that city contractors Interwest and PMC should be downsized particularly since city employees have been laid-off and have agreed to pay reductions. “It is as if contract staff runs the city and they are more secure in their employment than city staff,” the letter says.

In addition, the employee alleges the city could save money by reducing excessive benefits in area such as travel reimbursement, health benefits for life, elimination of catered lunches and elimination of $650 monthly payments for employees who decline health coverage.

The employee letter specifically targets one consultant, attorney John Hobbs. The letter states that Hobbs “is making an extreme amount of money and was supposed to stay only until Susan Cochran was grounded in her position, yet after two years of Susan being hired, he is still utilized as back-up attorney.”

For her part, Gill responded to a request from EGN seeking her comment on the matter. Gill sent the following:

Thank you for the opportunity to comment.

I did not personally receive a copy of the anonymous letter, and I haven’t been contacted directly by any staff member about these concerns.

Like many organizations and municipalities, we are in the midst of tough times, and we’ve had to make some difficult decisions that have a very real impact on our staff. Our staff have had to face a three percent pay cut with furlough days, cuts to benefits, and are generally having to do more work with fewer resources. We’ve also had to recently lay off four employees. Anxiety can sometimes be a byproduct of the uncertain economy and a changing workplace. As we have made these tough choices, we understood there can be an adverse impact to morale and more mean-spiritedness in the workplace.

While I don’t have the copy of the letter in front of me, I can tell you generally speaking, both the City Attorney and I have an open door policy with staff. We truly aim to have a happy and productive work environment.

I meet regularly with staff in open forums and encourage a constructive environment. And I truly take feedback to heart. I need to hear from staff so we can be better informed. I encourage City staff (and the public for that matter) to please contact me. Or if staff is not comfortable in contacting me directly, they may talk to their manager or the Human Resources Director. We take feedback very seriously.

Susan Cochran did not respond to EGN’s request for comment.
Council member Steve Detrick told EGN that it is under review but as a matter of policy, the city council does not comment on pending personnel issues.
It is believed that the city council did discuss the matter during the closed session at Wednesday night meeting. The closed meeting agenda was amended subsequent to the originally posting on July 2.

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Anonymous said...

Wait until the NAACP investigates the City of Elk Grove.

Hmmm.. a city that is almost 1/2 minority and very few people of color working for the City.

Shades of the south if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

Below is the entirety of Laura S. Gill’s response:

Thank you for the opportunity to comment.

I did not personally receive a copy of the anonymous letter, and I haven’t been contacted directly by any staff member about these concerns.

Like many organizations and municipalities, we are in the midst of tough times, and we’ve had to make some difficult decisions that have a very real impact on our staff. Our staff have had to face a three percent pay cut with furlough days, cuts to benefits, and are generally having to do more work with fewer resources. We’ve also had to recently lay off four employees. Anxiety can sometimes be a byproduct of the uncertain economy and a changing workplace. As we have made these tough choices, we understood there can be an adverse impact to morale and more mean-spiritedness in the workplace.

While I don’t have the copy of the letter in front of me, I can tell you generally speaking, both the City Attorney and I have an open door policy with staff. We truly aim to have a happy and productive work environment.

I meet regularly with staff in open forums and encourage a constructive environment. And I truly take feedback to heart. I need to hear from staff so we can be better informed. I encourage City staff (and the public for that matter) to please contact me. Or if staff is not comfortable in contacting me directly, they may talk to their manager or the Human Resources Director. We take feedback very seriously.


Laura Gill

Anonymous said...

Glad to see Laura Gill monitors this site. Maybe the employee or employees in question will post their comments as well.

Anonymous said...

Gill's response is laughable. Yes, employees have had difficult times, but furloughs and benefit cuts are not the source of the problem. Most employees are happy to do their part for a City they have enjoyed working for. The truth is that Gill reacts negatively to anyone who has a contrary opinion from hers, makes decisions based strictly on emotion (to the point where staff tip toe around her and plan on how best to work around her, as if playing a game of chess), and she often is visibly shaken when her ideas are challenged. She has been heard screaming at staff and yelling obscenities to her children on the phone. She is a micro-manager at best and a poor one at that. What kind of a work environment do you get if varying points of view cannot be shared and vetted for fear of termination? The kind of work environment that produces poor results - consider MV Transportation versus Veolia. Why do you think the recommendation was for Veolia? Could it be that the City Manager "expressed" like only she could - that she wanted Veolia? Does she know how to read her Council at all - even a little bit? The vote was 5-0 in favor of MV. I'd say there's something wrong there, but is anyone paying attention? Little collaboration can occur and certainly no new thoughts or ideas will surface when people are hiding for cover. Since when did leadership involve intimidation of staff? She has no vision, can't relate well to most of the staff and barely makes an effort. Her employee meetings are at the prompting of other management within the City. How many times has she made an effort to meet with her PD staff who work grave yard? Gill operates as if she and the City Attorney are the only two who can run the City and that nobody else has any value. What a misguided thought that is! For example, rather than breathing new life into an employee driven events committee (for boosting morale), she and the City Attorney took charge. Yes, the City Manager and City Attorney are wasting their time and are planning the employee events - What happened to delegation? Gone is the staff picnic (something everyone loved) and in comes the Night with the River Cats! One small problem, there are only 90 tickets available so the 270 employees and their families will be have to fight for who can attend. How does this translate into a morale booster? Truth is, the City will have a hard time garnering that much support for the event. The layoffs will surely result in at least two law-suits against the City. What happened to offering two years additional service credit to the laid off employees who were vested? Oh yes, the City Manager drafted that agenda item - incorrectly. Talk to the HR Director? Didn't Gill run her out of the City as well? Does the City Council truly believe Ms. Gill is the type of person the City needs as a leader? Maybe that's the plan - hire a poor City Manager so someone can push their private agenda for a strong mayor form of government. Wake up Council - Wake up City - she'll run this organization into the ground. As for the City Attorney, she is also responsible in large part to the low morale of the organization. She is an impediment to process, doesn't respect others, and doesn't collaborate well because of her arrogant attitude. Don't be fooled into thinking like Gill - this isn't a mean-spirited reaction to layoffs and budget cuts. This is a direct reaction to Gill's leadership (or lack thereof). Ms. Gill should look in the mirror, as should Ms. Cochran. Together they have taken an energetic, enthusiastic work force and made them into unhappy job seekers. If the economy were better, most would be gone. I can assure you plenty are looking! The City Council has a responsibility to do what is best for the City. Before she causes any greater embarrassment through her lack of leadership - cut your losses. Admit she was a bad hire, and a) put Mr. Blacklock in charge and use the cost savings as a nest egg for next year's deficit or b) find a true leader and a new City Attorney.

lularibeiro said...

Good post. I agree with you about it.

Anonymous said...

El Dorado Hills???!!!! So, you're saying that the %250,000 City Manager of Elk Grove dosen't even live here? What kind of horse puke is that? Oh yeah, I forgot. MANY OF THE SO CALLED PUBLIC SERVENTS OF ELK GROVE DON'T WANT TO LIVE HERE AND DON'T!!! Ask some questions about Community (Code) Enforcement employees/managers, The Planning Department Director/Manager/Staff, The Planning Commissioners. We need to pass a citywide measure that REQUIRES these people to reside in the city where they wield ALL OF THE POWER OVER US!!! Where does City Attorney Susan Cochran live? How about Assistant City Attorney Jennifer Alves? This is pathetic and REPREHENSIBLE ! ! !

Anonymous said...

Finally someone is talking, and finally after a year I no longer feel alone.

Anonymous said...

City Council, please just ask and employees will talk to you. I think if you provided assurance that our jobs would be safe if we spoke up we would. In this economy and job market I think most would rather suffer in silence than speak up and be a whistleblower and put our jobs and families and reputation on the line. Can you could set up a small ad hok or sub committee to look into it? or a employee survey or just interviews with staff?
I know it is easy to ignore a complaint that is anonymous because anonymous comments look cowardly, but right now this is the only safe place to have our voices heard.

Anonymous said...

It is now openly known who can be trusted on the city council and who definintely cannot be trusted. This one is no brainer! Make the call, city employees, and you will once again feel empowered! As the "Number One" book says, "The truth shall set you free."

Anonymous said...

City employees already know one council member who "definitely cannot be trusted." DO NOT contact Pat Hume. Gill doesn't make a move without consulting her council insider and vice versa. Do and your pink slip will be waiting even before you hang up the phone.

Anonymous said...

I think I am more bothered by the contention that the City Attorney spends time playing computer games during the workday on the taxpayer's dime. While the "unprofessional" claims are serious, they might be the result of a disgruntled or sensitive employee. But, the complaint that Ms. Cochran is wasting time by playing computer games would be inexcusable (especially since folks are getting laid off) and probably misconduct under her $200K contract, if true. This taxpayer would be very unhappy if such a high level executive were wasting our money in that manner.

Ms. Cochran's gaming/internet use history should be reviewed to see if there is any truth to the allegation. That should all be easily available and public record - especially since it involves wasting tax payer dollars. I think the tax payers have a right to know that such waste is not being committed by this highly compensated and high profile city executive. The review seems rather straight forward, she either is or is not misusing city equipment and tax payer dollars, period. Our elected officials and executives should get to the bottom of this before the Grand Jury embarasses the city again.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Gill's and Ms. Cochran's behavior should be immediately investigated. If the allegations are true, they would be a disgrace to the City of Elk Grove and their high dollar contracts should be terminated immediately!! It appears as though employees are fearful and unhappy with Ms. Gill and Ms. Cochran, and if nothing is done, then nobody is listening. Leaders should be respected and lead by example, not FEAR. This does not seem to the be the case in Elk Grove. I agree that the City of Elk Grove should conduct an independent (without Gill or Cochran's involvement) anonymous survey of employees, and the truth should come out. Moreover, it is apparent, if the allegations are true regarding Ms. Cochran's behavior, that public funds are being misused, and this is unacceptable.

Anonymous said...

Elk Grove city staff should realize that all Elk Grove council members are not created equal. I can think of 2 council members that I would trust implicitly to do the right thing, including protecting the identity of staff. One of those council members was just elected and demonstrates their belief in honesty, integrity and accountability.

It would behoove those members of the Elk Grove city staff that work under such stressful conditions to contact those on the council who would advocate for them. After reading some of the tactics employed by Laura Gill and Susan Cochran, a smart city staffer would make contact via personal home phone or personal cell phone direct to a council members private home or cell phone. Or, private email to private email. Any communication using city equipment/email is public information.

I would suspect that a Freedom of Information request could be made by a resident asking for a log of Ms. Cochran's computer activity; i.e., how many times a day she accesses gaming sites.

Lynn said...

Why is Elk Grove the only entity with a staff of attorneys? Get rid of them all I say. This is what happens when bureaucracy is created. It is obscene with people loosing homes and jobs to pay all these people their 6 figure incomes. Why does a City Manager have special assistants and several public info officers? This city government is way too bloated. I never understood why we have a Mayor AND a City Manager. After reading this I'm all for firing the City Manager, Attorneys, Assistant to the Assistants, administrator to the administrators etc. I'm disgusted how my tax dollars are being wasted by arrogant people. Enron anyone?

Anonymous said...

Great post!!
I also feel the same way.

Management consultant in Netherlands!!
Financieel adviesbureaus -the best business consultant.

Anonymous said...

Is it surprising that two writers have singled out Pat Hume as one who cannot be trusted on the council? This revelation should have been apparent to citizens present at the May 13 council meeting, where Pat Hume's staunch and vociferous support for Ms. Gill on her proposed (and executed) layoffs was beyond belief.

Hume's support on May 13 was given unequivocally with no verification of budget facts presented and no proposed delay for more insight or investigation into potential ulterior motives behind the layoffs. Additionally, Mr. Hume insulted and loudly squelched several citizens who tried valiantly to point out the mistakes being made.

Now numerous emails have indicated Ms. Gill is fully capable of personal vendetta and that suspected personal motivation behind those layoffs may indeed have substance. True, council should be able to believe all they hear from their hired city manager, but often personal investigations are warranted.

Astute writers have now suggested that Pat Hume is an "insider" for Ms. Gill, one more reason why this Mayor of ours merits a hard look when election time rolls around in 2010. We can definitely do better than we're doing right now.

Deep Throat said...

Until a city employees comes out in public, or at least goes to the papers with the complete story, this is nothing more than a parlour game. Some brave employee needs to speak up.

Anonymous said...

I am going to ask the NAACP to look into hiring practices at the Elk Grove Police Department, City of Elk Grove and Cosumnes Fire Department.

I am shocked that no one has noticed until now.

Connie Conley said...

I have requested the city council conduct an independent investigation.

If I were Laura Gill and I did nothing wrong, I would welcome an investigation. Why hasn't she called for one herself?

Is this just the workings of one disguntled employee? If so, with an investigation then they will be found out and we citizens will have the assurances that our city employees work in a healthy environment. If not, then we need to get this fixed and fixed fast.

Isn't that better than lawsuits and lawyers? Do I have to remind us that we sued us (City vs. CCSD and City vs. CCSD) and those legal fees cost us over a million dollars? Not to mention what we paid in the buyouts for Danielson and Manzanetti.

Spend the couple thousand to find out and be done with it. If there is nothing there, case closed, move on and everyone, city council, employees and Laura Gill are better for it.

As the saying goes, if we don't learn from our mistakes, like a Timex watch, we taxpayers just keep paying and paying!

And to Bob, so do I understand that you won't be voting for Pat Hume for reelection? I guess you trumped my letter to the editor. Ouch!

Anonymous said...

See response to your letter to Ed, Connie

Again, good points.

Connie said...

Hi Bob:

I'm sorry, I should have clarified what letter to the editor. I meant the one that was in the Elk Grove Citizen last week. But thank you for validating my points regarding an investigation.

I only came forward because my name was in the letter. I consulted one of my member attorneys, and in coming forward, I have done my due diligence. So if any lawsuits come from this, at least I have asked for an investigation.

What happens next, if anything, is up to the employees themselves. If no one is brave enough to come forward with documentation, then they have done themselves a disservice because it will be chalked up to one disgruntled employee and anything from now on will be considered mudslinging.

I cannot begin to tell you what I have been told what has been said inside those city walls. And I thought things were bad when Leary was conducting his personal brothel inside city hall.

So city employees, this is the last of it: If you aren't willing to come forward, nothing is going to be done and you will continue to suffer in silence.

The support is there if the allegations are true. I think these message boards have proven that. But now it is up to you!

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms. Conley:

And what kind of document do you suppose exists for these types of allegations? Do you think there was an admin taking notes during all those meetings when Laura shrieked at employees using all sorts of expletives? What sort of documents exist of Laura stomping out of meetings because she is so angry and disagrees with what is being said? I'm sure she is not dumb enough to put any of this in writing....and if she was, her friend the City Attorney would caution her against it.
It's scary enough to put this in writing--we may be driven out of our jobs just like the HR Manager.

Connie said...

You don't have a have a piece of paper. You have each other. If what you say is true, there is safety in numbers and you will have citizen support. There was sound advice given here about whom on the council can be trusted. They are men of integrity.

Anonymous said...

Enough with using the HR manager as a victim! She was just as bad if not worst. She was also a big reason for employee morale to be so low. She brought in on herself to leave. She always talked bad about the council and city manager and turned employees against them. Hmm, sounds like a disgruntled anonymous writer to me. Good riddance!

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, it would be more reliable and authentic for the Council to have an independent investigation of these matters. I am not comfortable with the risk involved with guessing what Council Member would be receptive to my concerns, and who would not. It is not worth it. However, I will participate fully in an investigation, and share my observations and experiences in a formal, professional investigation that assures anonymity and job protection. If staff is going to come clean, the process needs to be clean.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Employee:
Enough about the past HR Manager, it should be very obvious that she is behind this slam. The EX-HR Manager was hired by Ex-Assistant Chief of Police who thought she would help him get the Chief job. Now both are disgruntled. Personally there are those staff that just can't get over the freedoms they had with John Danielson and are jumping on the bandwagon. This is unbelievable and if her Exec. Team has such issues than they should be professional enough to talk to her about them. Those employees making these accusations - just step up and be man enough to own the statements.

Anonymous said...

Ah, but you digress! No matter what the past practices were with John Danielson; no matter who hired the HR manager and for what reasons, none of that excuses the City Manager and City Attorney's behavior in meetings and to staff. Either you don't get that, you don't work there or you are one of the individuals directly involved. Have you not read the corroboration of the accounts by other employees? Do you think such an atmosphere at our City is acceptable?

Anonymous said...

I agree with the previous post that it sounds like a disgruntled employee to me. How do you know it was a corraboration of employees and not just one ex-employee that wants revenge? I personally witnessed some good things that Ms Gill did for the city. One was that she included the whole staff on her budget cut decisions with the furloughs and other behind the scenes things that no one ever sees. Give her a chance to defend herself.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I believe this is a disgruntled Ex-employee. This sounds like the workings of an Ex- Asst. Chief. Didn't get what he wanted so he decided to cause these issues in a completely unprofessional way. If these accusations are true they shouldn't have been displayed across the internet, rather we as a "city" should try and work things out internally first.

Anonymous said...

Well, Connie's suggestion of a council investigation sounds like a good way to clear the air. Ms. Gill & Ms. Cochran should welcome that.

Connie said...

Well, Bob, I sent an official request to the city council for an independent investigation. I also sent a similar request years ago regarding Danielson and Manzanetti but was flat out refused. We shall see what happens this time.

Anonymous said...

If memory serves;

Local control was the banner call to vote Sacramento County out and Elk Grove City in.

Where do these people live again?

Anonymous said...

Laura Gill IS A WITCH! Don't walk into her office unless you want to get you rear end chewed a new AS___HOLE.

She conducts open forums because she has to. The decisions are already made. The so-called "open forums" are simply a "CYA" tactic. Gosh, I can't believe we hired this woman. OH, AND THE POA WOULD BE GLAD TO KNOW THAT WHEN THEY SUBMITTED THEIR REPORT ABOUT THE HIRING OF THE NEW POLICE CHIEF, LAURA GILL TOOK THAT REPORT AND THREW IT IN THE TRASH. SHE HAD NO INTENTION OF LISTENING TO THE POA'S CONCERNS ABOUT THE HIRING OF THE NEW CHIEF.

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