Profile on Elk Grove City Manager Generates Interesting Comments

Last week, EGN posted a story, actually a link to a story that appeared in Public CEO about Elk Grove City Manager, Laura Gill. Surprisi...

Last week, EGN posted a story, actually a link to a story that appeared in Public CEO about Elk Grove City Manager, Laura Gill.

Surprisingly, by EGN standards, the linked story generated some interesting comments.

Here are the comments in the order they were posted:

Anonymous said:

If Elk Grove city staff is so wonderful, then why is Ms. Gill so abusive toward them? She is a tyrant toward staff, denigrates staff and has created a work environment that no one should have to tolerate.

The Next poster bob said:

Sorry Laura, but that's what I heard too, in addition to complaints about (heaven forbid!) -----swearing??? That old Southern heritage getting you in trouble?? Lurking in my background as well. . .'jes gotta reign it in :)
Following up, was this note:

Anonymous said...

Ditto here as well, Bob. I hear Ms. Gill belittles staff in front of one other, mocks them and they work in fear. I hope the city council takes heed at all the warnings signs that are there for everyone to see. This staff is crying out for help.

The most recent commenter added the Cosumnes CSD in the mix noting the lack of diversity especially within the ranks of the firefighters.

Anonymous said...

Elk Grove should be sued for employment discrimination.

How many African Americans, Hispanics and Asians do you see employed by a city that is over 40% minority.

I have yet to see any minorities on patrol, in high level city staff positions.
Don't get me started on the CSD. Any black firefighters? Haven't seen any.

While these comments are a minute sampling ,we can’t help but wonder if this is pointing to a large problem festering at city hall.

What do you think?

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Anonymous said...

From the beginning the "City of Elk Grove" was designed to be a very exclusive economic opportunity for a select group of people. The accumulated wealth of resident property owners and existing local businesses who were outside that inner circle has always been the target of this city government. Cityhood has been about using municipal government as a political instrument to transfer wealth from one group to another and it has been pretty effective in doing so. Now that the area inside the city limits is becoming a dry husk of limited economic value this group is casting its eyes and insatiable appetite on surrounding areas to the south.

Don't believe it? Ask yourself why the City of Elk Grove wants to join a lawsuit against the Wilton Rancheria? Last time I checked Wilton wasn't in Elk Grove, or so we we are told....

Anonymous said...

Here's a person who seems to agree with my "Gang of 50" theory!

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