Viewership Growth on EGN Continues Amidst Criticism

EGN criticized for allowing anonymous comments When I was taking over Nightly News, some mutual friends had a small dinner, and Cronkite ro...

EGN criticized for allowing anonymous comments

When I was taking over Nightly News, some mutual friends had a small dinner, and Cronkite rose to offer some advice. "There will be nights," he said, "when you think you've done a brilliant job on a big story. You'll leave the studio with the echoes of praise from your colleagues ringing in your ears. And once outside in New York, you'll realize there are millions of people in this city alone who didn't watch and who don't give a damn what you just did."

-- Tom Brokaw on Walter Cronkite

With this quote from dear Uncle Walter in mind, EGN is pleased to announce a record month.

With one day left to go for the month ending July 31, 2009, EGN enjoyed its highest month ever in terms of unique visits. After an expected decline in June viewership, we broke our record set in May 2009 by at least 2 percent.

The total number of page visits (repeat visitors) doubled over our previous record set in May, 2009.

One area that has shown tremendous growth, and controversy, has been in our comments section. Since our re-launch in January, 2008, this section has gone largely unnoticed by our visitors.

For a variety of reasons, July saw an increase of interest in this section. Of all the comments posted since January 2008, over 42 percent were posted in July.

The comment section has been a source of discussion. Specifically EGN has been criticized for the ability we have conveyed on readers to post comments anonymously.

Our original thought was that the ability to post anonymously would encourage people to post information without fear of retribution or ridicule. To that end, we seem to have helped Elk Grove city employees communicate behind the scenes information that probably would not have normally been made public.

Above all else, the free flow of unvarnished information is crucial to a functioning democracy. Free speech is, and should be viewed as a sacred cow in our society.

Having said that, we urge our viewers and commentators, who by and large are thoughtful and well informed people, to focus their comments and opinions on topics and not on personalities. The focus needs to be on issues and topics pertaining to Elk Grove.

Hopefully participants in our comment section will keep this in mind rather than having to require registration.

To paraphrase Cronkite, what may seem important to you and me probably means nothing to others.

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Anonymous said...

While there is still an opportunity to do so here's another anonymous comment. is having it's "vulgarity policy" boiled like a toad. There are some folks in Elk Grove who don't subscribe to the concept of free flow of information and have benefitted greatly from it's absence over time. It is foolish to think they will willingly accept the loss of privilege to information. A web blog like is a tough thing to control but there are ways.

One way is for one or two individuals to constantly post non sequitur prurient vulgar anonymous comments that sap the credability and usefulness of the medium and slowly ramp them up in frequency and intensity until there is a consensus to eliminate the platform for the problem. The prurient nature of the comments give them an attractiveness they would not otherwise enjoy and diverts attention from the more significant topics of discussion.

Over time it's like gently pouring sand into the gearbox of democracy. Eventually the desired result is attained and without the need to resort to heavy handed tactics. The patient application of sapping tactics will achieve the desired result unless the toad acts to save himself.

It's time to start enforcing that vulgarity policy...

Ruth said...

I just started watching this site regularly due to EG politics and I'm sure the information provided here would not be here if not for the anonymity factor. Police your site, but let the anonymous postings stay. Thank you, great site!

Anonymous said...

You should let anonymous continue if you moderate it first. If there are clear slanderous and libelous comments- you will be sued, it's a matter of time.
Based on comments on several topics, there are agendas by many.

Anonymous said...

Well said...

The comments above are salient and to the point. You can allow anonymous commentary as long as you enforce a vulgarity policy that is meaningful.

I am hoping this happens immediately.

Anonymous said...

China controls and filters their information and their people live in fear of speaking of taboo subjects.

In my travels there, I asked people about Tinamen Square and suddenly, everyone chages the subject or clams up. The Chinese govt does this to control the people. Saying anything bad against the govt is high risk and can land you in jail. Protesting? You can forget about it.

I wonder if the "leaders" of EG are as (living in fear) as the Chinese govt, wanting to control the flow of information, not wanting criticism, allowing them to do whatever they please. The first step is to crush or limit free speech and it appears some folks want to do just that.

Luckily, EGN is a great source for people to voice their opinions anonymously. After all, we live in America and not a gestapo state.

Anonymous said...

Flow of information is great- gossip and rumors are not.

I may as well say I saw Gary Davis making out with a woman not his wife at Elk Grove Regional Park last week. It was hot and heavy! Is this flow of information and free speech or rumors, gossip, and lies?

Hypocrits are the worst. They love to judge those they dislike but God forbid it's someone they like.
Many of you that hide here can be considered public figures and therefore are subject to public discussion- much like an elected official. As spokerspersons for political organizations, PAC's, activist group, you are not immune to attacks so blogger beware.
A public figure is a public figure and gadflies are not exempt.

If you want a meaningful discussion, have one, just keep it focused.

Truth Shouldn't Hurt said...

Can't sue if it is the truth.

Anonymous said...

Truth is a defense- gossip and lies aren't- especially those with malicious intent.
Go back to school.
Did you know that EGCC and EGCAPP are considered public figures therefore are open for public criticism. I wonder if the truth defense will apply here or more hypocrisy.

Connie Conley said...

Why are bringing EGCC and EGCAPP into this? As one member of both, I post name. To whom are you referring?

Anonymous said...

This is all very interesting. I think the commentary is moving from the central discussion and now personalities are in play.
The central discussion should remain the end of anonymous posting. The back and forth is proof of why it should happen.

Connie Conley said...

Thank you to the above poster. That is why I posted my question and put my name to it. My email address is

If anyone has any questions regarding EGCC or EGCAPP, please contact me.

Also, I find that a cheap shot on Gary Davis. Note it was anonymous. So I will defend Gary as I did Pat Hume, putting my name to both, with one word: PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

Connie Conley is a stand up citizen, why bring her groups into the discussion?
Sometimes people can't handle strong women.
A friend

King Vulgar said...

Vulgar, distasteful however the truth hurts!

Anonymous said...

politicians whether local, city, federal, or state level do not want people to have the power to express their opinions. That is too dangerous for them. They much rather operate with total immunity and not have to answer for their failures, yet will bang the drum loudly when they have success.

They only want it one way, not both ways.

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