SOI Summitt II Scheduled For Early September

The Elk Grove Community Connection (EGCC) is working on "EGCC SOI Summit II" We have received overwhelming support for a second...

The Elk Grove Community Connection (EGCC) is working on "EGCC SOI Summit II" We have received overwhelming support for a second summit.

This summit will include a panel of experts so that we can continue with our mission for these summits, "Education is growth."

But first up, please SAVE THE DATE - The meeting will held on Tuesday, September 8, 2009 in Elk Grove.

Much more to follow!!

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Anonymous said...

Oh great, another opportunity to talk this SOI thing to death. How much is all this gonna cost again?

Tell Pat Hume to pull his fingers out of his ears and stop singing "LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" at the top of his lungs and maybe we can get somewhere.

Until then, "representative government" in Elk Grove is a farce...

Anonymous said...

Is this the open meeting where EGCC elects it officers and conducts its
PAC business?

Anonymous said...

Yakity-Yak. All for show.

Anonymous said...

And what exactly is the Elk Grove Community Connection (EGCC)?

Anonymous said...

Why don't you go back to EGO and give us a break? You keep repeating yourself and it's getting boring!

Anonymous said...

Seems like the same old thing...just a different date. Sounds like another venue for the Elk Grove City Council to "ram their intentions" down our throat. So much for representative government....recall seems to come to mind or should we enlist the services of a mercenary group to overthrow what appears to be a dictatorial regime in the making!!!!!

Malleus Codex said...

We should start with Scherman and Hume....RECALL...then Cooper and Davis...RECALL...Detrick deserves a reprive for a bit...

Malleus Codex said...

We should start with Scherman and Hume....RECALL...then Cooper and Davis...RECALL...Detrick deserves a reprive for a bit...

Anonymous said...

Like the idea of a "Mercenary Group". I understand the Community of Wilton has an active Militia....Can we contract for their services, perhaps to "March Down Main Street to City Hall". I suspect many residents within our city will "Join Up".....maybe we can start our own "Militia"!!!

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