Huber Voices Displeasure With Waterbill

2000 Postcards from Residents say NO to Canal Plan Assembly member Alyson Huber delivered 2000 postcards to the Governor’s office. The postc...

2000 Postcards from Residents say NO to Canal Plan

Assembly member Alyson Huber delivered 2000 postcards to the Governor’s office. The postcards are from Delta residents who are opposed to Governor Schwarzenegger’s plan to build a peripheral canal.

“I have heard from my constituents – residents of the Delta region – and they have said loud and clear they oppose the construction of a peripheral canal,” Huber said. “The Governor showed how out of touch he is with my communities when, just hours after the water package was passed, he touted his plans to build a canal through the Delta at a business event in Stockton. He just doesn’t get it - he might as well walk into a Giant's game wearing a Dodger jersey.”

The Governor’s spokesperson, who came to accept the postcards, answered with a clear “yes” when asked by reporters if the Governor does in fact have plans to build a canal.

As the Governor signs the bills in the water package passed by the legislature, Huber wants to remind the Governor of the strong opposition to his canal plan by Delta residents. These residents will not stand aside while the Governor and his Southern California water buddies bulldoze their way through the Delta.

Huber opposed the water package because it creates a new layer of bureaucrats who will make decisions on water that will impact the communities in her district, including the details of a canal. To counteract proposals to give all authority to a group of unelected appointees, Huber offered up a simple bill (AB 13 7x) one to require a full analysis of the peripheral canal and require legislative approval – a common sense approach. The bill was killed without a hearing. Huber plans to resubmit the bill in the coming weeks.

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