Najera’s Christmas Gift For Cooper and Jones – ‘How Do Like That Lump Of Coal’
Although the rumor has floated around for months, former Sacramento City Police Chief Albert Najera made it official yesterday and announ...
Although the rumor has floated around for months, former Sacramento City Police Chief Albert Najera made it official yesterday and announced he will be seeking the Sacramento Sheriff position being vacated by Sheriff John McGinness.
Delivered just two days before Christmas, Najera dropped a lump of coal in both Jim Cooper’s and Scott Jones’ stocking. One or both will now have to wait to next November to see if they will succeed McGinness.
What is almost certain, barring a colossal foul up by any the three major candidate, none are likely to win a pure majority in the June primary. The two leading candidates coming out of the June primary will face a run-off in November.
Elk Grove political dynamics
For the City of Elk Grove, Cooper’s candidacy will become a hot political topic in the coming months. Should Cooper ultimately win in November, who will replace him?
More importantly, if he does win, how will his replacement be selected? With the city council considering the placement of a new charter on the ballot, one of the provisions likely to be scrutinized in the coming months is language on how council vacancies are filled.
As for Elk Grove’s city council election, it will be interesting to watch city council member Pat Hume and who he endorses for sheriff. McGinness, a supporter of Scott Jones, gleefully announced Hume’s endorsement of Jones at press conference only to have Hume quickly deny the endorsement.
Cooper’s fellow charter council member Sophia Scherman has already endorsed Jones.
What happens if Cooper loses, Hume wins and the three continue to serve on the council? We can’t imagine they’ll be singing Kumbaya and holding hands.
There is another option. Brett Daniels. Here is an inteview he did that will help you understand his views. He doesn't mince words.
Check it out...
Anyone thinking about voting for "Mr." Jim Cooper should take the time to read the the 2005 Sacramento Grand Jury Report regarding Cooper's total disregard for our laws.
I think Cooper and Jones campaigns will be terminated with extreme prejudice.
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