The View from Wilton: The Circus is in Town

March 12, 2010 The Circus is in town. Ring Master Pat Hume cracks the whip and Council Members STEP UP. The MOU of the SOI dog and pony ...

March 12, 2010

The Circus is in town. Ring Master Pat Hume cracks the whip and Council Members STEP UP. The MOU of the SOI dog and pony show was on display again at the March 11th “Listening Session."

If you missed it,don’t worry two more performances are scheduled at City Hall Council Chambers on March 16th and March 31st. A report to City Council, from staff, is scheduled for April 14th at the Council Chambers and is a “must see."

I must admit the meeting of the 11th was enlightening, to say the least. What we learned was the following:

The MOU is a critical part of the SOI application in which the County of Sacramento and the City of Elk Grove come to an agreement on land use/planning as related to the Cosumnes/Deer Creek Floodplain.

The MOU is intended to (1)“ensure no urban development in the Cosumnes River Floodplain” (2) “protect and preserve lands within the Cosumnes River Floodplain” (3) “recognize that development within the 100 year floodplain is inappropriate and unacceptable” and (4) “prohibit any alteration of the floodplain to facilitate urban development.”

On the surface it all sounds like a “good deal"; however, additional questions by members of the audience were revealing.

The MOU, if adopted, is only an agreement (understanding) and as such may not be subject to any challenges and/or litigation!!! As long as the County of Sacramento and the City of Elk Grove are in agreement changes can be made.

Also, either the City of Elk Grove or the County of Sacramento can opt out of the agreement at any time.

Things are becoming a bit clearer now!

The City of Elk Grove needs the MOU to assure that the SOI in its present form will be approved by the Local Agency Formation Commission.

There is no guarantee that the MOU will be honored in 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 years.

It appears that at some point, after the approval of the SOI, the City of Elk Grove or the County of Sacramento can “Opt out of the MOU” once either the City of Elk Grove or the County of Sacramento “opt out” then the City of Elk Grove can revisit land use in the floodplain (which is now within their SOI). Matters can now be reconsidered by the City of Elk Grove:

(1) Alteration of the floodplain to facilitate urban development within the floodplain----in effect extending urbanization.

(2) Create a regional trail along the Cosumnes River thus linking the Cosumnes River with the Sacramento River/thus developing Elk Grove’s own “American River Parkway” aka “Cosumnes River Parkway."

3)Explore other alternatives related to the Cosumnes River water way.

4)Decimate wildlife they view as a threat or nuisance much as they did with the extermination of the Beavers of Laguna Creek.

There is now some clarity - EXPANSIONISM AT WHATEVER COST.

At a time of decreasing revenues, increasing unemployment, loss of retail business’s, expansion of foreclosure actions, and escalating costs related to City Services the City of Elk Grove continues to spend taxpayer dollars to fulfill the vision of City Council Member Pat Hume……a vision not shared by a majority of its constituents.

Eugene Rose
Wilton, CA

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Josie said...

Crack a beer and pull up a chair..... Might just "Crack the Whip" one too many times here in Elk Grove and the Council Members may just not step up like some think they will. Guess time will tell if they're tired of being little puppets or stand TALL and do what the citizens elected them to do. Fix EG, not line your own pockets at our expense.

Malleus Codex said...

Pat Hume is supposedly my council representatve. I have sent him numerous emails asking a variety of questions and for help with one matter I was having with the City...he never, ever responded to a even one of them. If you want these "servants" to listen tell them this: "WE WILL VOTE YOU ALL OUT OF OFFICE AT THE FIRST OPPORTUNITY IF YOU DO NOT HEAR THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE!!!!!"

Elk Grove Politics said...

Mr. Rose:

With all due respect, Scherman may be led around by the nose by Hume, but certainly not Davis, Detrick and Cooper.

Fact: Davis has come out saying, "Take the floodplain out of the SOI!" That clearly goes against the SOI Champion Hume.

Also, I venture to guess that Hume wouldn't allow the SOI question to be put before the voters because he might find himself on the losing end twice, the SOI and his seat on the city council.

Phillip Stark said...

For the record, I believe the flood plain should be off limits... period! However...there is the possibility Mr. Hume really does think he's doing the right thing. He may really believe the floodplain, under EG control, would be better protected from development. Is there anything, presently, that legally keeps the county from developing that area? If there is... wouldn't those same legalities keep the city from developing? If not... why? I appreciate and understand Wilton's concern but I'm wondering why there's so much faith in the county when, with all do respect... the county played a significant role in the urban sprawl we now see in Elk Grove. If this issues has more to do with Hume than it does the flood plain being includied in the SOI then those who are twisting the issue should be ashamed.

Elk Grove Politics said...

Mr. Stark:

You said it best yourself on another comment: "Mr. Hume is might be working on his own sphere of influence. Perhaps his coin has two faces... the flip side echoes the top side. Heads he wins - tails we lose. No need to wait... or debate... the SOI is what's premature. Shut it down the same as we shut down the charter. One day we'll have leadership that can get these things done - but that's not happened yet."

Phillip Stark said...

Yes, I said them exact words... but I said "perhaps" and I'm not 'convinced' he's out to intentionally harm that area...but I am skeptical. I am also curious as to what justification there is that the county is going to have the best interest of that floodplain going forward... and why such faith in them when they're more to blame for the urban sprawl in Elk Grove than
the city of Elk Grove. I agree the floodpain should be carved out of ANY SOI but I'm concerned too that we may be looking the lion in the eye while allowing the tiger to bite us in the butt.

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