Civil Charges Against MV Transportion Dismissed by Plaintiff

Singh-Allen files a Dismissal With Prejudice against Elk Grove bus provider

Singh-Allen files a Dismissal With Prejudice against Elk Grove bus provider

On February 1, 2010, attorneys for former MV Transportation consultant Bobbi Singh-Allen, filed a lawsuit against MV Transportation (MTV) for Breach of Contract,  Interference with Contract; Tortious Interference with Prospective Economic Advantage and Negligence. The suit was filed by attorney Harmeet Dhillon and Krista Shoquist of San Francisco on behalf of Singh-Allen.

The suit alleges that MVT entered into a contract with Singh-Allen on or about January 1, 2009, for consulting advice concerning Elk Grove political government affairs. The contract was to be a month-to-month arrangement and per documents filed with the lawsuit, Singh-Allen alleges that all communications between herself and her client, MVT were to remain confidential to ensure protection for all parties involved.

The lawsuit alleges that MVT transmitted to an outside individual(s) a confidential email authored by Singh-Allen concerning MVT’s interest in the campaign fundraiser held by then City Council Member (now Vice-Mayor) Steve Detrick. Singh-Allen further alleged that this confidential email was shared with Michelle Smira, another government affairs consultant based in the Sacramento area and a direct business competitor of hers. Smira also provides consulting services to MVT.

The lawsuit goes on to say that MVT disclosed this confidential email with the express interest to harm Ms. Singh-Allen’s business, her personal and political reputation, and the reputation of her husband, [then] Elk Grove Charter Commission Chair Jake Allen. 

This confidential email has since been widely disseminated throughout the Elk Grove political and business community which Singh-Allen said caused devastating damage to her reputation, business and family, led to the loss of numerous consulting clients, and caused public ridicule and disparagement leading to severe emotional and physical distress. As a proximate result of MVT’s handling of the confidential email, the plaintiff sought damages in excess of $1,000,000.

Per court records, on March 8 both parties entered into a Stipulation Order for Binding Arbitration and the lawsuit was stayed until the outcome of the arbitration was determined. No updates have been available on the Sacramento Courts website until Aug 24, 2010 at which time Dhillon and Shoquist filed, on behalf of Singh-Allen, a “Request for Dismissal, With Prejudice.”

According to Lexis, the legal definition of Dismissal, with Prejudice is - “When a case is dismissed for good reason and the plaintiff is barred from bringing an action on the same claim.”

It is not known if any settlement was reached.

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Unknown said...

Now let "sleeping dog's lie." Or in other words - the court is saying "Singh, don't restart this action."


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