Well Decommissioning Workshop to be held in Elk Grove
If you have an unused well on your property and want to know how to properly close it, a seminar will be held in Elk Grove to assist you. ...
If you have an unused well on your property and want to know how to properly close it, a seminar will be held in Elk Grove to assist you.
Sponsored by the Sloughhouse Resource Conservation district, the wokshopw will proived an overview regarding proper methods to decommission a well in Sacramento County.
Among the issues to be cover include:
- Groundwater protection
- Proper techniques to decommission a well
- Lean about financial assistance
- Sacramento County protocols
- Discuss techniques with decommissioning professionals
The workshop will be held on Wednesday, October 12, from 5 - 7:00 p.m. at the Elk Grove Farm Bureau Office, 8970 Elk Grove Blvd., Suite A, Elk Grove.
For more information contact Amanda Platt at (916) 534-1435 or amanda-platt@carcd.org.
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