Tale of Two Events

With the November, 2012 general election just a year way, two current Elk Grove City Council members held fund raising events last night. Wh...

With the November, 2012 general election just a year way, two current Elk Grove City Council members held fund raising events last night. While a fundraiser for someone who is running reelection a year from now is understandable, it is quite another thing for someone who was reelected to a four year term last November.

The two city council members who held fundraisers last night were Mayor Steve Detrick and Pat Hume. For Detrick, the fundraiser held at Elk Grove’s Palermo Restaurant acted as his official campaign kickoff for what he hopes to be a reelection to his second four year term.

According to a press release, Detrick’s event attracted close to 100 participants representing “business and development community, trade unions, community groups, friends and family.”

Also in attendance at Detrick’s event was fellow council member and Elk Grove mayoral candidate Gary Davis. Vice Mayor Jim Cooper, who is also running for reelection in 2012, was unable to attend because of an out-of-state work commitment but had intended to attend the function.

For Hume, his smaller function was held at Elk Grove’s sushi hotspot, Mikuni's. According to sources, Hume’s function started shortly after 5 p.m., was over by 7 p.m. and attracted about 30 people.

So with three years before his next election on the city council, why would Hume see the need to have a fundraiser three years before his next presumed election?

Perhaps Hume is contemplating a run for higher office. The most obvious choice for someone of Hume’s ambition would be a run at the state assembly.

With an open assembly seat, Hume would have to run against fellow Republican and political mentor Sophia Scherman. While Hume would be biting the hand of the person who midwifed his political career, political ambition sometimes knows no boundaries or loyalty.

Or perhaps Hume simply scheduled his event as a lazy man’s way to grab some of Detrick’s table scraps. With his function starting one hour earlier than Detrick’s, perhaps Hume hoped to catch donors on their way to Detrick’s event, and with limited time at his function, he wouldn’t have to buy very many sushi rolls to boot.

In any event, it is curious to see a local politician hold a fundraiser three years before their next presumed election without some larger ambition.

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Anonymous said...

Elk Grove News,

You are on to something. Please Pat Hume run against Sophia Scherman. He has something she doesn't, a brain!

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