Lewis Black's Humorous Effect on Flora and Fauna

Black Influences Blackbirds - Foul Comedians Loosen Up Crows By Michael Monasky Special to EGN Foul-mouthed comedians John Bowman and ...

Black Influences Blackbirds - Foul Comedians Loosen Up Crows

By Michael Monasky
Special to EGN

Foul-mouthed comedians John Bowman and Lewis Black unleashed their potty humor on Sacramento Saaturday night.

Bowman featuring for Black, inadvertently making foecal metaphors when comparing various California communities. In this case, he was comparing Lancaster, today’s concert location, with Sacramento. They had just come from Biloxi, Mississippi.

I had parked the car on L Street to get dinner and attend the comedy show at the Sacramento Community Center Theatre. We laughed ourselves silly, until we saw the car, which I had just detailed for our night on the town.

It’s as if the blackbirds, perched above our car, had an adverse reaction to all the potty talk and f-bombs.

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