Elk Grove City Council Approves Waste Facility Construction

During a special meeting held late yesterday afternoon, the Elk Grove City Council approved the construction of a $4.6 millions special wast...

During a special meeting held late yesterday afternoon, the Elk Grove City Council approved the construction of a $4.6 millions special waste collection facility.

The new facility, which will be located on Grantline and Survey roads, has been a source of claims and counter claims from bidders on the project. One of the seven bidders on the project claimed that the initial apparent bid winner, Diede Construction of Woodbridge, had made an error and filed a protest.

The resulting bid protest resulted in Diede being denied the contract because of a errors on their bid. During yesterday's meeting the council voted 4-0 (Council Member Sophia Scherman was absent) to award the contract to Bobo Construction of Elk Grove.

During their deliberations the council said the matter was placed in a special meeting because the second regular meeting of April was cancelled as a result of a lobbying trip to Washington D.C. by three council members and that delaying the vote until the next regular meeting would result in delays during prime construction season.

"This wasn't trying to to slip anything under, this is a pretty standard public works contract," Council Member Pat Hume said. "We need to get it done as soon as we possibly could."

Council member Steve Detrick also addressed concerns of the 15 percent cost over-run built in the contract. Detrick said that this is a routine procedure for public works projects to ensure that all possible cost are accounted for.

Mayor Jim Cooper stated that the city's public works department would be closely monitoring Bobo's construction of the facility.

"We are going to keep an eye on you," he said.

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Anonymous said...

I saw a picture at the last fund raiser for Mr Detrick that included Davis, Hume, Cooper. Was this a pay back and were they at Mr Detrick last fund raiser? Funny how all this comes together.

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