Elk Grove Schedules Special Meeting of Affordable Housing Loan Committee
On Friday morning the City of Elk Grove announced a special meeting of the Affordable Housing Committee. The special meeting will be held...
On Friday morning the City of Elk Grove announced a special meeting of the Affordable Housing Committee. The special meeting will be held tomorrow in Conference Room 3A, Elk Grove City Hall and is scheduled to start at 11 am.
According to the posted agenda, the only agenda item will be the following: "The discussion will occur as one of the items considered by the Industry Working Group during their regular meeting scheduled for the same time. The special meeting of the AHLC will be convened when the Affordable Housing Fee Nexus Study and associated policy options are presented during the meeting."
Given the recent spate of fee reductions, it is possible another reduction for affordable housing impact fees will occur as a result of this study. The complete agenda can be viewed here.
The committee's goal is to "assists in the review and selection of projects requesting funding from the City’s Affordable Housing Fund and Very Low Income Housing Trust Fund, and provides guidance to staff on the long-term management of its affordable housing portfolio."
The committee has three members including the city finance manager, one individual and alternate recommended by a local non-profit affordable housing advocacy group and one individual and alternate selected by the No. Calif. Building Industry Assoc.
1 comment
We've already given away the store in the name of economic development, so let's give away the candy too! Once all the developer fees get lowered, who is gonna have the political backbone to raise them once impact costs start going up again. The good ol' residents of Elk Grove will continue to subsidize the developers.
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