Ek Grove Considering Purchase of Portable Video Surveillance System
On Wednesday night, the Elk Grove City Council will be asked to consider the purchase of a $94,000 portable video surveillance system. ...
On Wednesday night, the Elk Grove City Council will be asked to consider the purchase of a $94,000 portable video surveillance system.
According to the staff report made for the council, the Elk Grove Police Department is requesting the city to bypass the normal competitive bidding process as this purchase is part of the General Services Administration's cooperative purchasing agreement. The report says the purchase of the surveillance system is being requested to complement the city's emergency operations center (EOC) which was developed in 2010 with a $750,000 Homeland Security grant.
The reports states the "video surveillance is a proven emergency response solution that
offers law enforcement real-time images that can be transmitted to an EOC
hub for analysis and planning." The report does not say if the systems will be deployed in any non-emergency situations.
The items has been placed on the council's consent calendar. Wednesday's meeting starts at 6 p.m.
I certainly hope this device is only used for emergency purposes.
But we also find another Item 8.10 on the agenda that authorizes $16,700 to purchase 10 closed circuit traffic cameras to be installed on select traffic light poles. The report states "The Elk Grove Police Department can also monitor
and record the camera data feed for public safety or investigative purposes".
Smile, you're on candid camera!
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