Elk Grove Teachers Assoc. Blasts School District for Continued Pink Slips

In a presentation before the Elk Grove Unified School District Board of Trustees on Tuesday night, the president of the teachers associ...

In a presentation before the Elk Grove Unified School District Board of Trustees on Tuesday night, the president of the teachers association blasted the district for continuing to issue pink slip layoff notices even though they claim there is no data supporting the action. 

In her comments before the trustees and district superintendent Dr. Stephen Ladd, Elk Grove Education Association (EGEA) president Maggie Ellis questioned the need for the district to issue teachers pink slips given the district's improved financial standing. Pink slips, or notices of a potential lay off, have become the norm over the last several years as the EGUSD has worked through several financially challenging years.  

Ellis cited a Sacramento Bee story that said the district issued pink slips because of lower demand in middle and high schools and less grant money. 

"Can you please tell me what lower demand means," Ellis queried. "To me lower demand would indicate declining enrollment, however the district is projecting flat growth." 

Ellis said last Friday the EGEA was presented with a lay off certification and that she was dismayed. Ellis added the prospect of continual lay offs and lack of job security will affect the district's ability to recruit and retain good teachers, particularly in math and sciences.

"What are our chances of attracting anyone to work here when we hire and lay off in practically the same breath," she said.   

"This is the new Elk Grove way," Ellis added. "In fact, the message being sent by this lay off to all your employees is that we are all expendable."

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