Elk Grove Man recovers iPhone Stolen by Teen

June 12, 2013 | An Elk Grove man was able to recover his stolen iPhone after a teen allegedly borrowed the device. According to...

June 12, 2013 |

An Elk Grove man was able to recover his stolen iPhone after a teen allegedly borrowed the device.

According to Elk Grove Police the victim was approached yesterday afternoon by a 15-year old male juvenile near Waterman Road and and Elk Grove Blvd. who asked to borrow his devise to make a call. When the victim handed the phone to the suspect, the suspect fled on foot with the phone.

The victim chased the suspect and a witness call police for assistance. Responding officers located the suspect who was still in possession of the phone and the was positiviely idetnfied. 

The juvenile suspect was arrested and reportedly taken to the county jail.

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