DUI Suspect Also Arrested On Suspicion of Domestic Violence by Elk Grove Police
January 31, 2014 | A Sacramento man suspected of drunk driving was also arrested by Elk Grove Police on suspicion of domestic vio...
January 31, 2014 |
A Sacramento man suspected of drunk driving was also arrested by Elk Grove Police on suspicion of domestic violence.
According to police reports, 22-year old Jeremy Rafanan was driving a car early Thursday morning when he collided with a fixed object on the 9300 block of Salmon Creek Drive. Rafanan attempted to leave the scene, but responding officers were able to detain him.
Upon contact, the suspect displayed objective signs of impairment and during the course of their investigation, officers were notified that he had been involved in a physical altercation. During the altercation, Rafanan allegedly pushed the victim to the ground then kicked the victim in the head.
The victim suffered visible injuries that required medical treatment and was granted an emergency protective order against the suspect. Rafanan was arrested and is being held at the Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center and is ineligible for bail.
Dude is probably from South Sac!
Lol he ain't being held he's at home..lies
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