Elk Grove Shoplifter Pepper Sprays Employee, Gets Away With Merchandise

October, 14, 2014 | In what is becoming a common practice, a shoplifter used pepper spray in the commission of a crime last night in E...

October, 14, 2014 |

In what is becoming a common practice, a shoplifter used pepper spray in the commission of a crime last night in Elk Grove.

According to Elk Grove Police, an unknown female suspect selected over $300 worth of merchandise at the Sports Authority store on Laguna Boulevard and proceeded to the cashier. An employee rang up the items, placed them in a bag, at which time the shoplifter grabbed the bag and ran towards the exit. 

Another employee blocked the suspect as she attempted to exit the store, but the suspect pulled out pepper spray and sprayed the employee. The suspect exited the store and was last seen getting into a dark colored vehicle via the passenger side door. 

The suspect was described as a black female adult, in her 40's, dreadlock hair style, wearing a denim jacket over a white knee length dress. The employee was not injured during the incident. 

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Anonymous said...

How Ghetto! Using pepper spray on the store employee.

Anonymous said...

You do whatever it takes to get the job done!

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