Will Fuentes' Mailer Be Enough to Overcome Advantages of Incumbency?

October 28, 2014 | Between the hotly contested races for the Elk Grove City Council, California State Senate, Assembly and the Seventh...

October 28, 2014 |

Between the hotly contested races for the Elk Grove City Council, California State Senate, Assembly and the Seventh U.S. Congressional District, Elk Grove voters have other contests to consider when they mail in their ballots or go to the polls next Tuesday.

One of the races voters will be asked to consider is for two positions on the Cosumnes Community Services District Board of Directors. There are three people on the ballot - incumbents Rod Brewer and Rich Lozano along with a third candidate, challenger Orlando Fuentes. 

While Brewer and Lozano have the benefit of incumbency, as far as we can ascertain, neither to date has sent out a stand-alone mailer. In a non-controversial race with no burning issues, will Fuentes' mailer be enough to overcome the advantages of incumbency?   

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Silent Dogood said...

I received a mailer from Lozano plus he personally walked to my house and had a conversation with me. I am voting for Lozano because he took the time to actually listen to my concerns

Anonymous said...

In response to the question in the article. No, his mailer will not overcome the incumbency of the other two. Why? First, the CSD seems to be running pretty well and meeting the needs of the citizens. second, I have attended the CSD meetings fairly frequently and I can say I have only seen this man show up in the audience one time. I asked an employee who attends all the meetings if he had come more often and the answer was no. If he wants to be elected to serve on their Board he should be more involved.

Anonymous said...

I think it does. Nobody cares if you attedn the CCSD meeting before you run, nobody really cares about the CCSD unless you need the fire department or you play youth sports and use the parks/fields.

My predication is Lozano and Fuentes win. It appears Lozano has done a mailer and I actually had Rich Lozano's wife come to my door with his material.

Brewer has tried to ride other coattails and is to lazy to do anything for himself, plus the Democratic party faithful have seen through his stick and endorsed Orlando to replace him.

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