Two Hospitalized Following Afternoon Fight in Elk Grove's Morse Park

December 18, 2014 |

Two people involved in a large fight this afternoon at Elk Grove's Morse Park were hospitalized after sustaining injuries.

The fight broke out among a large group shortly after 1:30 according to Elk Grove Police. During the course of the rumble, some of the participants pulled out knives.

The 16 and 18-year old males were taken to an area hospital for non-life threatening injuries. The incident is under investigation and no arrest have been made.

Morse Park is the site of Elk Grove Mayor Gary Davis' annual Elk Fest and for this Saturday's SactoMoFo food truck mania event.    

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Anonymous said...

East Franklin is becoming like Mack Road south.

Gang rape in park.

Elderly man stabbed to death in broad daylight.

Wild fight involving two "groups" of yutes and a stabbing.

Knife point robbery at BofA.

Several muggings of teens near Wal Mart.

Wait until all those low income housing projects come to the Meridian area.

Anonymous said...

Becoming? Don't you mean already!

Anonymous said...

Wrong. Although these events are happening in Elk Grove, it's the people that are making these decisions. Elk Grove itseld is definitely not a so called "Ghetto" area. You can be in a "Ghetto" area, and still have a decent life with the people you surround yourself with. These people in Elk Grove, associate themselves with the wrong people, which is why these events happen.

Anonymous said...

Whatever the reason, the Elk Grove Police Department needs to step up their patrols. We need them to be pro-active with the help of the community to avoid the bad elements thinking they can get away with their actions. Having said that, the department needs the support from the city to hire more officers.

lynn said...

Our police dept is 70% of our general fund budget. So do you really believe hiring more officers is the solution? Our law enforcement has received several grants and hired new officers, condition of grant money is the officer salary will come from city fund when grant lapses. What does this mean? More money will come from general fund for our police dept. I am in full support of our dept and the work they do. However, it requires more than just patrol officers to keep crime out. We need our leaders to plan our city well! Poor planning and infrastructure can lead to so many problems! Crime is one example. We all need to work together. People need to attend council meetings!

Anonymous said...

Lynn ~ You are 100% correct. Urban sprawl in Elk Grove had devalued our existing homes. Those with means keep moving further and further out. The older area are then devalued and have riff raff move in. Then the problems start. The crazy fast urban sprawl didn't happen in Folsom for example and similar homes are worth $100k+ more than they are in Elk Grove. Older areas of Laguna are now cheap rentals. Area just south of Calvine aren't aging very well either.

People seem to think well managed school districts and police departments make great schools and low crime areas. While those things are nice it's not what breeds good school and low crime. Educated upstanding parents with quality jobs involved in their kids lives create areas with low crime and good schools. Looks at the income and education levels of the parents at schools in Folsom and look at their API. They are off the chart. Then look at their home values for comparable homes.

The jobs, jobs, jobs talk from the Council is garbage. Simply zoning land as office won't bring jobs. That happened in Laguna West 20 years ago and no jobs came.

Anonymous said...

Elk Grove is going to be a sprawling hood due to the massive amount of residential development.

Build houses and the city is required to zone more land for high density low income housing projects.

Fast food and retail jobs are the only areas where employment will increase.

Meridian is going to be the hood of the future because that is where the bulk of the low income housing will be located.

Elk Grove Thriving!

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