Hume Asks For CCSD Merger Proposal be Dropped From Two-year Initiatives

March 12, 2015 | Elk Grove Vice Mayor Pat Hume expressed regret last night over comments he made at a special meeting of the Elk Grov...

March 12, 2015 |

Elk Grove Vice Mayor Pat Hume expressed regret last night over comments he made at a special meeting of the Elk Grove City Council held last week regarding a possible takeover of the Cosumnes Community Services District (CCSD).

During the so-called retreat meeting, Hume asked his fellow council members if there was interest in exploring a merger with the CCSD's parks and recreation operations. Hume made his comments during a meant to establish two-year initiatives the Council intends to pursue.

The CCSD, which provides parks and recreation services in Elk Grove and fire protection in Elk Grove and Galt, operates as an independent governmental entity. Through their General Manager Jeff Ramos, the CCSD has said they are not interested in merging with Elk Grove.

Acknowledging his comments have generated a considerable amount of backlash, Hume said he "was grossly naive" in suggesting possible merger talks with CCSD as part of the city's two-year initiatives.

"I never intended to be a hostile endeavor, so I ask that we just go ahead and take that off our imperatives and not have staff waste any more time or resources," he said.

Hume went on to request to have the comments stricken from the retreat meetings notes. "The intention was good, but we're not there yet," he added.

Council Member Steve Detrick said his comments at the meeting were only meant to offer aid to the CCSD, who experienced the loss of their headquarters as the result of a fire. "It was never meant to kick them while they were down," he said.

A video of the council's entire conversation on this matter will be posted tomorrow.    

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Steve L said...

Looks like Pat Hume may be the only council member with enough class to admit a mistake and take responsibility for his actions instead of blaming others. This is a trait much too rare in today's politics local or otherwise.

His mamma should be proud of him.

But yes, this discussion about CSD merging with the city was very misguided and unfortunate.

Hopefully, the others will take notice of Mr. Hume's taking an adult approach to his actions and build on it, but I wouldn't bet on it.

Thanks Pat for setting a good example for others, young and old.

...and I still disagree with most of Pat's positions espoused from the dais, but I appreciate that he admits I mistake when he makes one.

Matt Foley said...

Whew! One less feasibility study!

Anonymous said...

I believe Pat Hume only admitted this regrettable mistake because of the swift recoil. Had it been just from the community at public comment, he would have shown them his middle finger. Listen carefully to his comments, Hume said the backlash was from CSD Board.

Instead, if Hume is itching to get in the parks and recreation business, he should have stated the city needs to finish the aquatics center and find a way to build the youth soccer complex. That didn’t even come up, did it?

But the fact remains, the city doesn’t have the money, and won’t admit it, so Hume saw the CSD as ripe for the picking. He thought wrong!

Hume doesn’t need to be thanked. It never should been brought up!! This was just another example of ever present city council arrogance. But this time, Hume got schooled. It should happen more often.

Steveb6509 said...

Sorry but I agree that Hume showed some maturity here. I don't think folding the CCSD into the City is a bad idea (it should be studied) but he recognized (in hindsight) that his timing was bad. He owned his mistake.

Anonymous said...


Continued drought, one of the worst in over 500 years and they want to allow more new home construction which will lead to even more high density Low Income Housing Projects?

California has about one year of water left. Will you ration now?

"Data from NASA satellites show that the total amount of water stored in the Sacramento and San Joaquin river basins — that is, all of the snow, river and reservoir water, water in soils and groundwater combined — was 34 million acre-feet below normal in 2014.

That loss is nearly 1.5 times the capacity of Lake Mead, America's largest reservoir.


Right now the state has only about one year of water supply left in its reservoirs, and our strategic backup supply, groundwater, is rapidly disappearing.

California has no contingency plan for a persistent drought like this one (let alone a 20-plus-year mega-drought), except, apparently, staying in emergency mode and praying for rain."

Anonymous said...

Yeah, keep on approving new homes.

We won't even have enough water to flush our toilets.

California poised to tighten watering restrictions

03/13/2015 5:58 PM 03/13/2015 6:27 PM

Millions of Californians soon may be forced to adjust their lives around a crucial timekeeping device in their homes. Not their alarm clocks, but their irrigation timers.

The State Water Resources Control Board on Tuesday is poised to get even tougher on water conservation as California now seems assured of a fourth year of drought. The main focus of the proposal set for a board vote is landscape watering, responsible for about 70 percent of all urban water consumption in California.

The board is expected to order every urban water agency in California to limit outdoor watering to specific days of the week – for both residential and business customers. In many cases, this would mean only two days per week.

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