Elk Billboard Quirky Yes, Economic Driver Maybe Not So - Would You Like a Lawsuit With Your Root Canal?

November 8, 2015 | When the Elk Grove City Council approved the city's Elk topped billboard on Highway 99 between Elk Grove B...

November 8, 2015 |

When the Elk Grove City Council approved the city's Elk topped billboard on Highway 99 between Elk Grove Boulevard and Bond Road, it was sold as an economic engine for the city and a great aid to travellers.

At the time, Mayor Gary Davis also noted that the giant plastic elk adorning the top of the 80-foot tall billboard was "quirky" and that the structure would give a shot-in-the-arm to businesses that depend on traffic off of Highway 99.

While Davis' "quirky" is tacky or gaudy to many Elk Grove residents, how well has Bruce Bishop's landmark billboard done in filling a need since its erection about six months ago.

So far, not so well.

Of the nine panels, five are occupied as of today. The occupants include Chevron, Bubbles Car Wash, Chick-fil-a, I-Hop, and interestingly, ElkGroveWeightLoss.com.  

Give the justification that there was a huge unmet demand among small businesses in Elk Grove for such billboards, one would have thought the advertising panels would have sold out like thermo underwear at the North Pole.

Of the current Bishop billboard occupants, ElkGroveWeightLoss.com is the most curious. Is the lease of space to a weight loss center on a billboard intended to lure motorist off the highway to make purchases an indication that the demand we were told existed, doesn't actually exist?

Consider this - while the Burger King on East Stockton would seem like an ideal candidate, if it did advertise on the board and managed to lure some customers off Highway 99, would those motorist not see the more desirable Inn-n-Out and change their mind? Perhaps the Burger King operator realizes this and figures why spend money to advertise for Inn-n-Out?

As for the Inn-n-Out, given the volume of business they already have, a billboard panel and any additional business it would generate might be detrimental to their operation. 

The Shell gas station may have concluded that since the Chevron is already luring customers who need gas, they will see their station and have a choice, so why advertise? Or perhaps Chevron demanded exclusivity. Either case, Bishop loses a potential advertiser. 

Obviously Bishop could succeed and fill all nine panels within his first year of operation. The Black Bear Diner will open soon and who knows what other fast food could open there.   

Not to worry for Bishop though as more health care providers or other licensed professionals could always pick up the slack and lease a panel on Elk Grove's elk billboard. As a motorist, you just never know when you'll need to pull over for a personal injury attorney or a root canal. 

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Sean said...

The last paragraph says it all. Can't imagine anyone driving down 99 and seeing a car wash or a weight loss sign and deciding to immediately pull off and spend their hard earned $$ for such services. The lessees must have gotten a sweet deal by the sign owners.

Just another example of this po-dunk town. How embarrassing.

and BTW Mr. Doan; Costco is NOT high end retailer of even wholesaler for that matter.

Maybe these monument signs lessees will be trendsetters. 20 years ago nobody paid for or carried water bottles around wherever they went and nobody would have paid $6 for a cup of coffee in the middle of the day.

Further evidence of the degredation of our society. Put that cell phone down and talk to your family and friends!

Anonymous said...

ElkGroveWeightLoss...Now this could be a great driver for getting tourists to make a stopover. The initial visit requires an appointment with their physician for a brief physical and a review of your medical history and $55.00. That means a hotel for the 2-3 day stopover waiting for an appointment, meals, maybe a movie, visits to other tourist attractions like the Rain Garden, ???thinkin', oh yea the new Gil's Hawaiian Gardens or whatever it's called, at Sheldon. May even need a bail bondsman after that!

The bottom line....Elk Grove has finally reached the BIG TIME. Take that Texas.

Ice Rink said...

Once again, the private sector knows better than government what will help their business. Obviously, renting space on a tacky sign is not the marketing coup our fearless leader proclaimed. And that elk- his expression looks like he's being castrated or something!

Jughead Jones said...

I'm hoping that "Pops" Tate opena a Chok'lit Shoppe at Bond and 99. I'm sure the whole Riverdale High gang will hang out there. I hope Doan can get them to locate here - you can't have to many malt shops!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, a Chok'lit Shoppe....Doan, is that a high end retailer?

If a 80-foot tall billboard is an economic engine why do we not see them all up and down Hwy. 99? They're nothing but cheap looking clutter and within two years we'll be spending money to have them removed along with the ^hitty looking plastic elk. Does our city think that will be a draw for those Corps. looking for somewhere to open their business and their executives to live.

I'm just a little guy trying to make a living and pay my bills timely and they embarrass me.

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