Elk Grove City Council To Review Possible Uses of Old Town Railroad Lot

Proposed Project for Old Town Elk Grove railroad parcel

December 9, 2015 |

At tonight's meeting, the Elk Grove City Council will review several design proposals and possible uses for a city-owned parcel in Old Town Elk Grove.

The parcel, which is located directly adjacent to the Union Pacific rail tracks bisecting Elk Grove's Old Town Special Planning Area and Elk Grove Boulevard, was purchased by the city in 2012 for $837,000 from Union Pacific. Since its purchase, the site has been utilized for a variety of purposes including a winter time ice rink, a country western concert, an annual chili cook-off competition and monthly food truck gatherings.

To develop a permanent plan for the parcel, city staff held a number of workshops and outreach soliciting ideas on how to best use and develop the parcel. The ideas that were developed for consideration will be presented this evening.

According to the staff report, the cost to develop some sort of permanent structure on the site would be about $8 million, with only $550,000 in identified funds. 

Tonight's meeting at City Hall starts at 6 p.m.


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Anonymous said...

Only $7.5 million short. Looks like we're going to need for the city to set up another GOFUNDME account. You think it might be possible at some point to find some project that fits our budget? How many millions are we short at this point on all the planned projects? We must be in the billions by now....

Anonymous said...

They could build a world class indoor shooting range to attract the Olympic rifle trials.

The facility could be used for self defense training when not in use for the Olympics.

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