Elk Grove to Hold Workshops on General Plan Updates

January 22, 2016 | As part of its outreach effort, Elk Grove will hold two workshops regarding the city's General Plan Update. ...

January 22, 2016 |

As part of its outreach effort, Elk Grove will hold two workshops regarding the city's General Plan Update.

The workshops will be held on Thursday, January 28 and Monday, February 1 and will focus on transportation and preservation of community values respectively.

The January 28 session is titled "How Can Transportation Contribute to Community Health and Sustainability?" According to the city, the workshop will ask participants to "Engage in activities to identify recommendations for improved connectivity throughout neighborhoods, reduced traffic congestion, and a regional transit opportunities."  

The February 1 workshop will focus on more subjective measures and is called "How Can Elk Grove Grow While Preserving Community Values?" In this meeting, community members will discuss "criteria for new development and identify the public services and amenities needed to accommodate a growing population."

Both workshops with be held at the City Council Chamber at City Hall and will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. More information about the General Plan Update is available on the city's website

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Anonymous said...

Preserving community values? Sounds like some Nixonian coded message to appeal to the old line Donald Trump and Ted Cruz supporters still lurking around Elk Grove.

Anonymous said...

They don't really want our input. The developers have already determined Elk Grove should expand beyond our current boundaries so they can profit and continue to live up the hill.

They only want to say they asked the community for input so they can cover their tail. I've heard nobody clamor for a larger footprint to our city with thousands more homes.

Warren Buffett said...

These "outreach" meetings are rigged to steer the public in one direction and one direction only-growth and expansion. Watch how the questions are structured and how they lead to one direction only. This way they can brag to LAFCo that they have public support for more growth and rig the General Plan to say as much. It's a sophisticated play on "Heads I Win, Tails You Lose".

Anonymous said...

Sprawl, strip malls, subdivisions galore, Elk Grove Thriving!

Michael Monasky said...

Grow or die.
This is the mantra of the religion of markets and commodities.
Whether it's cars, junk food, or more rooftops, this illness infects us all.
Do we have enough water for more lawns?
Has the traffic congestion gotten bad enough for you?
How about your asthma?
Chronic lung and heart disease kill more people in our country than any other illness.
Yet we continue to burn fossil fuels, suffer traffic tie-ups at rush hour (just look at the local school trips), and still we want to grow, grow, grow.
And don't get me started about global warming...
But never mind; just grow or die.
Michael Monasky

Michael Monasky said...

Grow or die.
That's the mantra of the religion of markets and commodities.
We are addicted to selling cars, buying junk food, and building rooftops.
We also die most often from chronic lung and heart diseases.
Our traffic congestion is the worst it's been in decades.
Meanwhile, our kids' asthma rates are epidemic, affecting about 10% of our population.
Yeah, grow or die.
My question is this: what are we growing? And who's dying as a result of that growth?
Ah, such happy thoughts...grow, or die? Indeed.

Michael Monasky

Lynn said...

Michael, The last boom of this city brought foreclosures, people perceiving crime is increasing(though I suppose that can be debated), and pot houses(or grow houses). Who won with the last boom? Home developers who somehow can even rebound and get more monies from the city after declaring bankruptcy. I don't believe residents living here want to grow as much as the city leaders and home developers are selling.... It is difficult to fight the money that bought the council. Really Elk Grove is the developer's delight.

Anonymous said...

Devlopers delight.

Full of future blight.

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