Quick-thinking Benicia Police Officer Performs Heimlich, Save's Life

Officer Maniego

December 8, 2016 |  

A quick-thinking Benicia Police officer saved the life of a motorist earlier today.

While on her regular patrol Officer Maniego came across a driver, who was standing on the side of the road. The driver, who was alone, was outside of her vehicle waving her arms trying to get the officer's attention.

Realizing that the driver was choking, Officer Maniego quickly applied the Heimlich maneuver and was able to clear her airway. Khadija Jaddour (pictured above with Officer Maniego) was very thankful for Officer Maniego's quick actions.

On the Bencia Police Department's Facebook page, it was noted "As police officers we wear many different hats. A Benicia's quick-thinking Officer saved a life today. We are proud of Officer Maneigo’s calm response to a frightening situation that resulted with a happy ending."

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