Team Elk Grove invokes American civil rights icon in latest mailer

October 27, 2018 |

In the latest mailer from Steve Ly's Team Elk Grove, the six-candidate slate has invoked the memory of an American and civil rights icon.

The newest piece features a picture of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and a pull-quote. On the address side of the mailer, a picture of Dr. King, along with childhood pictures of each of the candidates with the quote from King saying "I've decided to stick with LOVE [their emphasis]. Hate is too great a burden to hear."

On the other side, the heading, which was popularized from Ly ally and former Elk Grove Mayor Gary says "We love Elk Grove" with love being substituted with a heart. In simple to understand bullet points, the team highlights their platform which included safer neighborhoods, balanced budgets, and the ubiquitous "people before politics" tag.   

Since Elk Grove's 2000 incorporation, this is believed to be the first time any candidate for the Elk Grove City Council or Cosumnes Community Services District has used the image of King or any other notable civil rights activists in political advertising. Along with King's image, the mailer features the childhood pictures of the six, which is a marketing method Ly has used in his previous campaigns.

Although the mailer appears to be a response to the recent independent expenditure committee launched against Ly, sources have said the piece was developed before that committee, called the Alliance to Protect the Middle Class, appeared. That group, which has received funding from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and PG&E, has launched a series of online attacks against Ly and financial disclosure reports indicate mailers will be distributed. 

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Randy Bekker said...

I see you continue to bring up in your articles about the Alliance of the middle class. Who there supporters are an who you think benefits from this group but you don’t mention that on their FB page there is no real community support, no one commenting or pushing their agenda. I also see you make no mention of the group Keep PG&E out of Elk Grove which is being supported by local community members, Sacramento Democratic members, as well as others. This group is supporting Mayor Ly with no factual evidence including an on line petition that the information is campaign rhetoric. So the question I have is why isn’t that information in this article or other articles? Could it be you support one outside group trying to influence the election? Why would any community members try to hide behind such lies? My guess they don’t want to be embarrassed in the community. I think it’s time their names became public don’t you?

Capt. Benjamin Willard said...

As noted in the story, this mailer was probably conceived and produced well before the anti-Ly committee surfaced.

Given this week's alleged MAGAbomber events and yesterday's heart breaking tragedy in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the timing of this mailer is unarguable. Given the divisiveness on every level of our government, this mailer will be appealing to undecided, fair-minded voters.

This could well be the "October surprise" that will aid Mr. Ly and his Team Elk Grove.

Connie said...

Capt. Willard, your comments along with D.J.'s, are always well written and voices of reason. I don't know if I know either of you, but I sincerely appreciate your intelligent and thought-provoking comments.

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