Through Monday, Nov. 5, more Democratic ballots returned than Republican in Bera-Grant race

November 6, 2018 |   As of Monday, November 5, Democratic voters have been received than those for Republicans in the race betwee...

November 6, 2018 |  

As of Monday, November 5, Democratic voters have been received than those for Republicans in the race between incumbent Democratic Congressman Dr. Ami Bera and Republican challenger Andrew Grant for California 7th district.

Information compiled by, as of yesterday shows a total of 136,338 ballots have been returned to Sacramento County Voter Registration and Elections for the 7th district race. Of those ballots, 54,924 were from registered Democratic voters, 49,717 were from Republicans, and the balance of 31,697 were from decline to state or another political party voters. 

The entire 7th Congressional District is located within Sacramento County and includes all of Elk Grove.  


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