Elk Grove man sentenced for child sex trafficking

An Elk Grove man was sentenced at U.S. District Court in Sacramento on Friday February 1 after pleading guilty of sex trafficking a 14-...

An Elk Grove man was sentenced at U.S. District Court in Sacramento on Friday February 1 after pleading guilty of sex trafficking a 14-year old girl. Abdul Basier Hashimi, 26,was sentenced U.S. District Judge Garland E. Burrell Jr. to 12 years and seven months in prison for sex trafficking of a child. 
On August 31, 2018, Hashimi pleaded guilty to sex trafficking of a child. According to statements made during the hearing, Hashimi met the 13-year-old victim in August 2014 on social media and began communicating with her. 
After the victim turned 14, Hashimi caused her to work as a prostitute in Sacramento, Oakland, and elsewhere in Northern California. Hashimi managed the victim’s activities by, among other things, creating an internet advertisement, renting a motel room, and driving her to areas with prostitution activity and the victim gave Hashimi the money she earned.
“Child sex traffickers often prey upon our community’s most vulnerable minors — runaways, foster kids, children who face difficult circumstances — promising the young victims that they will receive care and support. In actuality, traffickers treat their victims as commodities to acquire and sell, generating profit from exploiting them and leveraging their youth as a selling point,” said Special Agent in Charge Sean Ragan of the FBI Sacramento Field Office. “The FBI, the Sacramento Police Department, and our partners on the Child Exploitation Task Force continue to work tirelessly to identify and disrupt predators like Hashimi to protect the children in our communities.
This case was the product of an investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Sacramento Police Department. Assistant U.S. Attorney Brian A. Fogerty prosecuted the case.

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Tracy said...

Just 12 years?

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