Elk Grove Promenade construction still stalled

Some landscape work being done Some progress is being made on the stalled strip mall project known as The Elk Grove Promenade. Toda...

Some landscape work being done

Some progress is being made on the stalled strip mall project known as The Elk Grove Promenade. Today we observed some landscape work being done on the strip center being developed by Chicago-based General Growth Properties (GGP).

At least now it won't become a sea of mud during the rainy season. On the other hand, not only will the shell of a mall be a potential crime magnet, it also might be come a favorite of pigeons, rats and other other assorted rodents.

In an unrelated matter, with the implosion of Lehman Bros., impending demise of AIG and overall credit crisis, we can't help but wonder if all of this will hurt GGP's ability to get credit as they might need it and finally complete Elk Groves stalled strip mall project.

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