Jim 'Silent Cal' Cooper conducting front porch campaign

Cooper quietly raises $12,000 for reelection bid, war chest now over $67,000 - no expenses so far There is a fable about President Calvin Co...

Cooper quietly raises $12,000 for reelection bid, war chest now over $67,000 - no expenses so far

There is a fable about President Calvin Coolidge that goes something like this: Coolidge, known as being a man of few words, hosted a Whitehouse party were a guest told him that she make a bet she could get Coolidge to say more than two words.

Coolidge sat there silent then replied, "You lose."

While Elk Grove city council member Jim Cooper might not be as silent as Coolidge, his reelection campaign is shaping up to be a real quiet affair. No mailings so far and no campaign sign sightings in Elk Grove. To use another historic reference, Cooper is running a front porch campaign.

Nonetheless, in campaign finance papers filed with the Elk Grove city clerk, Cooper has quietly raised over $12,000 in the most recent filing period, July 1 through September 30. Coopers war chest swelled to over $67,000 while his expenses in this same period were a paltry $1,493.

Coopers' largest contributor were Senior Village Living, LLC of Roseville who forked over $5,000 and Granite Bay real estate developer Craig Nagler who coughed up $2,500. Nagler recently co-hosted a big downtown fund raiser for fellow council member Mike Leary.

Cooper also received $1,300 from nine law enforcement professionals with the city and county of Sacramento.

Given Coopers large war chest, silent and inexpensive reelection campaign and law enforcement contributions, we can't help but think if he is looking ahead to a higher elected position like the assembly or more likely a run for Sacramento County Sheriff.

Regardless, in case Cooper has forgotten while seated on his front porch, he is being challenged by LaWanna Montgomery and stranger things have happened.

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