Shop Elk Grove Program Kicks Off Next Week

Dozens of Elk Grove businesses are joining forces on May 16 and May 17 to offer the Elk Grove community hundreds of reasons to shop Elk Grov...

Dozens of Elk Grove businesses are joining forces on May 16 and May 17 to offer the Elk Grove community hundreds of reasons to shop Elk Grove.

From free giveaways and demonstrations to sidewalk sales and activities for kids, more than 70 local businesses will be showcasing what they have to offer during the “Think, Shop, Live Elk Grove” kick off weekend.

The City of Elk Grove, Elk Grove Chamber of Commerce, Elk Grove Citizen, Frontier Communications and the entire Elk Grove business community are launching the community-wide shop local program. Sales tax is a direct and vital lifeline to essential services like public safety, facilities, projects, programs and services in Elk Grove. Shopping locally keeps businesses here, provides jobs and benefits community schools and non-profit organizations.

“The residents of Elk Grove have the power to shape the economic future of this community,” said Mayor Pat Hume. “From funding public safety to supporting community organizations and schools, your sales tax dollars have a substantial impact on the local economy.”

E-tran will offer a “shopper shuttle” route so residents can tour some of the shop local hot spots and try out the City’s award-winning transit service for free. Information about the routes will be available at and when the routes are finalized on May 7.

Free window signs, car magnets and fact sheets are available to the public at:

Elk Grove City Hall (8380 Laguna Palms Way, 8400 Laguna Palms Way, 8401 Laguna Palms Way and 10250 Iron Rock Way)
Elk Grove Chamber of Commerce (9370 Studio Court, Suite 110)
Elk Grove Citizen (8970 Elk Grove Blvd.)
Frontier Communications (9324 W. Stockton Blvd.)
The window signs and fact sheets can also be downloaded at

For a complete listing of participating businesses and activities, visit Check back often, as local businesses continue to sign up with new activities daily. Businesses wanting to participate can sign up at the website or call the Elk Grove Chamber of Commerce at 916.691.3760.

In addition, a complete listing of activities and businesses, maps and e-tran routes will be published on May 13 in the Elk Grove Citizen and May 14 in the Laguna Citizen.

Key facts

Why Shop Local?

• Shopping locally retains and creates new jobs in Elk Grove

• Sales tax is a primary funding source for essential city services, such as Police, Community Enhancement, Animal Services, Youth Services, and support for programs like road maintenance, trash and recycling services, traffic congestion relief projects, and flood control

• When purchases are made locally and sales tax is applied, the City of Elk Grove receives 1% of the taxable sale

• Purchases made outside of Elk Grove generate no sales tax revenue to benefit the Elk Grove community

• Shopping locally benefits community schools and non-profits

For each dollar I spend in Elk Grove, where does my sales tax go?

• 6¢ - State of California

• 1.25¢ - County Public Safety, Health, Welfare, & Transportation

• 1¢ - City of Elk Grove

• 0.5¢ - Measure A Countywide Transportation

What percentage of the City’s budget is based on sales tax each year?

Currently, 36% of the City’s general fund is derived from sales tax
Did you know…

For the purchase of a $30,000 vehicle from a local dealership, the City receives $300of the $2,625 generated in sales tax
A family that spends $100 per month at local restaurants generates $12 in sales tax revenue for Elk Grove each year
A household that shops for home improvement supplies, clothing, books, and household goods within the City limits may spend $500 per month, generating $60 in sales tax revenue

For more information, visit

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stincelli said...

Where are we supposed to shop??? Mervyns is gone, Circuit City is hasta! All the shopping Centers are 1/2 empty and what about the mall!!! I will go buy some weeds! Gottchalks is a scam, there are no discounts. Car Dealerships are closing.... let me see what else we can buy - nothing - nada - zip - zilch!!! People are lossing their jobs, cannot pay mortgages, Our president keep throwing money to banks that are sinking deeper and deeper, car manufacturers that should be BK... WHAT A JOKE!

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