Reinstating e-Tran routes Could Cost $300,000

One of the questions brought up during Monday night’s special meeting of the Elk Grove City Council was how much would it cost to reinstate ...

One of the questions brought up during Monday night’s special meeting of the Elk Grove City Council was how much would it cost to reinstate planned service cuts.

According to city finance manager Rebecca Craig, the annual could run as high as $300,000. This cost includes the design of a weekend shopper route and the taxi scrip service for disabled riders.

“We will return to the city council as directed on October 28 with options to fund these ongoing operational costs, including a commuter fare increase, deficit spending, and a general fund subsidy. The latter would then require identifying available monies for transfer,” Craig said in an e-mail correspondence.

Craig also noted the total annual deficit could be reduced to zero by a combination of fare increases and or a subsidy from the general fund.

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Anonymous said...

That isn't the entire story. When the old council told Regional Transit to take a hike, in order for "us", meaning the Elk Grove City Council, to get a "voting" seat on the RT board, we had to pony up "taxpayer's money" and are paying Regional Transit $600,000 a year for that "one" vote.

That is outrageous! We need to get our money back! Even if we got half of the money back, that would pay for the reinstatement of the bus routes.

A little know fact that Sophia Scherman forgets to mention. She, along with Briggs and Soares, voted for that mea culpa in the form of payola!

And since when do we have to "buy" seats on regional boards?

Insania said...

The commuter routes should charge a premium in my opinion. I hope we will go there, but it will be interesting to see how e-Tran manages it. I also hope that e-Tran continues to accept RT payment.

I had no idea that e-Tran only gets 50% reimbursement from RT if you use an RT pass. Knowing that, I would prefer to buy e-Tran tickets but because I also use light rail to get to SMUD, I can't buy e-Tran.

This is a bad arrangement for e-Tran. Not only does RT not accept e-Tran payment they only pay 50% back...not a "regional" transit solution by any strech.

Anonymous said...

Commuter shop... where to the Elk Grove Promenade... this city and the Mayor are a f-ing joke!

Anonymous said...

Commuter shop... where to the Elk Grove Promenade... this city and the Mayor are a f-ing joke!

Insania said...

Talk about confusion --

I assume that two 52 routes were cut instead of the proposed four; however, the two that are listed as being cut in the service adjustment notice --the 5:45AM and the 6:15 AM -- well, these times don't match up with any 52 bus. Which routes are cut? Same thing with the evening routes -- the 3:50 and 4:20 times don't match up with any known 52 bus that I know of.

I just called e-tran, and I was just now told that e-tran didn't cut any buses on either 52 or 53...which doesn't make any sense to me based on everything I saw/heard here or at the council meeting.

The 52 bus driver Wednesday morning didn't know which bus times were cut either.


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