Big-Time Politicos Could Learn from Elk Grove’s CDD

While the Elk Grove City Council certainly has its share of political intrigue, if you scratch below the surface you can see some positive ...

While the Elk Grove City Council certainly has its share of political intrigue, if you scratch below the surface you can see some positive things going on that the big-time politicos in Washington DC and Sacramento might try to emulate.

This is made evident by a coalition of three members of the Elk Grove City Council who, while being loyal party members, put the “D” or “R” after their names aside when it comes to advancing the interests of Elk Grove. The members we speak of are CDD; or Jim Cooper, Gary Davis and Steve Detrick, with particular emphasis on the two D’s.

A good example of this was on display last weekend at Gary Davis’ annual picnic. Among those in attendance at Davis’ function was Elk Grove Vice Mayor Steve Detrick.

Detrick, a Republican not only attended Davis’ picnic, but also attended the grand opening of his reelection campaign office days earlier where he was more than pleased to announce his support of Davis. Detrick, who was wearing a red shirt at the picnic and Davis in a blue shirt wryly noted the irony and both got a good laugh out of it.

For his part, Davis makes local election endorsements not solely based on the “D” or “R” after a person’s name, but rather on who might best serve the community. Davis has demonstrated this during the 2008 elections and crossed party lines in his appointment of George Murphey to the planning commission.

Likewise, both Davis and Detrick seem to be following a path on local elections to support those who they believe will advance the interests of the people of Elk Grove and are not tied to some party litmus or purity test. That is after all what they have been elected to do.

While Cooper, Davis and Detrick by no means walk in lockstep on every issue that comes before the city council, they have mostly cast aside political labels and seem to be working to advance the best interests, as they collectively see it, of Elk Grove.

While this type of cross-party endorsement quickly evaporates further up the political food chain, Cooper, Davis and Detrick have nonetheless demonstrated the skill of finding common ground to advance the interests of their constituents ahead of their party’s. This is a practice big-time politicos need to be reminded of.

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Elk Grove Politics said...

It is amazing when we preach the seats are nonpartisan and the council members need to remember that. So they do and still they get grief. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. Finally the courage to say, it is not about the party, it’s about the people!

At least Cooper, Davis and Detrick are men enough to stand by their endorsements. Not like Pat Hume.

John McGuiness, when announcing Scott Jones’ candidacy in front of the sheriff’s office, the first words out of McGinness’ mouth were, “Scott is endorsed by Elk Grove Mayor Pat Hume.” Hume was there, but didn’t stand proudly behind McGinness and Jones, yet his name was the first “big endorsement” mentioned.

Hume was called on it, then the front page article in the Elk Grove Citizen with Hume adamantly professing that Big John misspoke and he didn’t endorse Jones. I wonder how Big John liked being made out a fool.

Come on Pat, you got up early, got in the 99 traffic, and go downtown only to stand on the sidelines. Really now?

Fast forward eight months, and low and behold, Sophia Scherman and Pat Hume announce a dual endorsement of Jones last week. And this comes on the heels of Cooper holding them accountable for their actions as council members.

Didn’t Sophia endorse Cooper and then oops, never mind, “I am mad at Jim so I pull my endorsement.”

Acting like children because they were being held accountable for their actions, what do Scherman and Hume do? They retaliate.

Maybe the council should use some of the $95K for a sandbox in front of the dais for the two children who get mad, take their toys and give them to someone else. I wonder what both would do if they got mad at Jones?

Good for Cooper, Davis and Detrick for sticking by their endorsements and their convictions, not like Hume who giveths and then takeths away because he couldn’t MAN UP!!!

And besides, ask yourselves this: With all the public scandal surrounding Hume and now an FPPC investigation, is having Pat Hume on your endorsement list a good thing?

Never mind about Sophia, that one is too easy!

Josie said...

Very well said from someone who obviously attends meetings and does their research for facts instead of relying on hearsay. Of course it's not the first time and probably won't be the last that a politician gets caught up in the "ME" world and finally becomes his own worst enemy...all without any help from the citizens.

And then finally filing his Amended 700, but not until an investigation was filed by the FPPC and even now arguing about the reporting of gifts. Just can't do the right thing...not in his vocabulary.

This city doesn't need Pat Hume at the Helm...he brings too much BAGGAGE to the table. Time to put him out to pasture!

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