Developers, Politician Subpoenaed to Testify at Hume ‘Stay Away’ Hearing

One week from today on Friday October 1, Elk Grove City Council Member Pat Hume’s request to have a “stay away” order extended will be heard...

One week from today on Friday October 1, Elk Grove City Council Member Pat Hume’s request to have a “stay away” order extended will be heard in Sacramento Superior Court.

Hume is seeking an extension of the order against Elk Grove resident Constance Conley. The original order was issued in July, 2007 at Hume’s request after he and Conley had ended their relationship.

While Hume sought and got the order issued, according to documents in the case Conley’s attorney is seeking to demonstrate that soon after the order was issued, Hume had repeatedly contacted Conley.

Conley’s documents in the case argue that since Hume had willingly violated the order, no extension should be granted. To bolster her defense, Conley’s documents claims to have phone records showing numerous phone calls Hume made to Conley, one of which was eight continuous hours.

Witnesses subpoenaed
EGN has learned that several people have been subpoenaed to testify whether or not they saw Hume and Conley together in public settings and functions. One of the settings in question is a fundraising dinner Conley organized for Hume’s benefit at the Crush 29 restaurant in Roseville.

Those subpoenaed include Granite Bay real estate developers Craig Nagler and William Niemi; Elk Grove residents Kathy and Steve Lee; and Elk Grove City Council Member Steve Detrick and his wife Jan.

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Josie said...

He violated "his" own order and now can't MAN-UP and mutually agree with Ms. Conley to go their seperate ways as she has agreed to do. Instead he would rather spend our tax dollars on something so frivolous not to mention the valuable time spent by others in attending. Pat Hume, it's time for you to go...your little games don't work anymore. The genie is out of the bag!

Malleus Codex said...


Elk Grove Politics said...

It appears readers on that other site are being directed to read this article. That is great! Welcome folks!

But what those of you in the Hume camp refuse to recognize is that Ms. Conley ask for a fair, confidential agreement.

Mr. Hume is refusing to take responsibility for his actions, instead he is playing the blame game so that he can avoid the truth that he was a willing participant here. Mr. Hume is the one who wants all of this played out in the public arena, on the Blogs and in court, not Ms. Conley.

And it appears that even the other site is asking the $64,000 question: What did Hume and Conley talk about for eight hours????

Mr. Hume seems to be enjoying all the press about his personal life. Why? Because he has no accomplishments as a council member that he can specifically mention.

Case in point: One comment on another thread was that Hume did the best public outreach when he was mayor. Oh really?! Fact: Every single one of those community outreach meetings where Hume was the host, including the civic center meeting which the writer specifically mentioned, was put on by Ms. Conley’s group. All done putting Hume front and center, all the while he wanted Ms. Conley to “stay away.” Explain that Hume.

Hume even took credit for Shop & Dine Elk Grove and its success. Wrong again! It was Ms. Conley’s group who proposed that one as well.

Can't rewrite the truth, no matter how hard you try, but it makes for interesting reading. Blind faith in Hume is taking people down the Leary Lane!


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