Occupy Elk Grove To Voice BOA Concerns at City Hall

At next Wednesday’s Elk Grove City Council meeting, members of Occupy Elk Grove will be localizing their efforts when they will urge the cit...

At next Wednesday’s Elk Grove City Council meeting, members of Occupy Elk Grove will be localizing their efforts when they will urge the city to close its accounts with local branches of Bank of America.

Local Occupy representative Todd Elving said that he expects up to 15 people to show up at the meeting to demand that the city's money be taken out of Bank of America (BOA) and placed in a locally owned bank.

"We also want to make it clear that we are targeting BofA because they [the city] are doing business with B of A," Elving said. "But, Wells Fargo, Citicorp, Citibank, US Bank are also banks we don't want them to do business with."

"The only way you can fight the banks is his them where it hurt, their pocketbooks," Elving said. "That is what we intend to do, make the public very aware of how their greed and their minions have caused destruction on our middle class for their personal wealth creation."

Should the city not sever relationship with BOA, in true Occupy fashion Elving said it would be up to the group to decide whether or not it would become an issue in next falls city council elections. "Personally I would be making this a election issue," he added.

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