Large Crowd Reviews, Comments on Proposed Whitelock Parkway Interchange

October 30, 2014 | In spite of a game seven World Series with local favorite, the San Francisco Giants, about 100 people attended an...

October 30, 2014 |

In spite of a game seven World Series with local favorite, the San Francisco Giants, about 100 people attended an information session on the proposed Whitelock-Highway 99 interchange in Elk Grove last night.
Click to enlarge. 

Held in the Pavilion Building at the Elk Grove Regional Park, the session included a number of graphic illustrations and a presentation by Elk Grove city employees Rick Carter and Gary Grunwald. Since the proposal for the interchange surfaced, which is estimated to cost $42 million, it has raised concern that it could encroach on the Elk Grove Regional Park.

To view the presentation and some of the concerns voiced on the proposed project, watch the video posted below.  

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1 comment

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the uproar from some in the community regarding this overpass. The impacts to the park can and will be negligible. No vehicle traffic will be driving into the park from the west side. East Stockton Blvd might be pushed east 10-15 feet. Does that really ruin the integrity of the park? If the dog park is moved to another area of the park is that a big deal? It's a chain link fence and grass. I've also heard concerns from residents who live off Whitelock and don't want the traffic. You already have the traffic. It just happens to be on Elk Grove Blvd at Hwy 99. The historical building won't need to be moved or demolished.

I've also heard fears of having pedestrians cross the ped portion of the overpass into the park. Really? We want those who live in the homes off Whitelock near COHS to drive all the way around on Elk Grove Blvd or Grantline Road instead of taking their evening walks from home down the trail on Whitelock and over the freeway into Elk Grove Park? News flash: Elk Grove Park is a REGIONAL PARK and those living west of 99 should have access too. Making it Ped/bike only into the park makes sense.

As for the picture in this story with the comments about moving the bridge to the south. I'm looking at a map right now of the area and I'm not sure how this is a better location? It won't get many drivers off Elk Grove Blvd. Caltrans won't even allow an over-crossing within a mile of another over-crossing and Grantline road is less than a mile.

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