Audio, Videos - Doug Ose Endorsement Rally, News Conference

October, 26, 2014 | At the front doors of the Rancho Cordova City Hall, Republican Congressional candidate Doug Ose held a news con...

October, 26, 2014 |

At the front doors of the Rancho Cordova City Hall, Republican Congressional candidate Doug Ose held a news conference and endorsement rally this afternoon.

Along with the large placards listing his endorsements, Ose was joined by Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones and Rancho Cordova Mayor Dan Skoglund.

Another group who made their presence known at the rally was a small, but vocal, group of demonstrators who shouted a number of anti-Ose chants. During various speeches, the chants from the protesters drowned out the speakers appearing on behalf of Ose.

Though the protesters continued their chants when Ose began speaking, they stopped long enough so that his comments could be heard by supporters.

Below are videos of the protesters and Ose's speech, as well an audio of most of the speeches, though most were drowned-out by one particularly strong voice, given in support of Ose.     

Embed Music Files - Embed Audio Files - Protesters Demonstrate at Ca...

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Anonymous said...

When a candidates focus is almost entirely on his opponent and not on what he has to offer, he has lost my vote. I'm not even sure Mr. Ose knows who he is running against...Nancy Pelosi or Ami Bera. I find it rather sad his desperation it seems he has lost his way.

What can YOU do for the Veterans and Seniors in need Mr. Ose? Try to omit Pelosi & Beri from your answer if possible.

Anonymous said...

I am both a veteran and a 76 year old senior without a psychological need for government to do anything for me. Do it for yourself. Anything above that is a bonus.

Thomas Jefferson said...

So our independent citizens, with their statements herein, who can live without public roads, public sewage, public water treatment, public education, the public military, and public police and sheriff's departments have decided that small government is better.

Ose denies the very climate change that has brought us floods and droughts to which he claims to have solutions.
Bera hides his head, when questioned about healthcare law that was written by the right wing think tank, American Enterprise Institute, and declares what a good public health official he is and was; the Affordable (?) Care Act has so many holes it's like anti-matter to Swiss cheese.
In debate, Bera never answered Ose's question about the $25M tax on VSP and the ACA's disallowance for it to sell vision insurance.

I'm going with Ralph Nader's analysis that we have a choice between two mediocre actors: Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum.
It's no wonder that pundits estimate a whopping 18% voter participation rate in this off-year election.

Thomas Jefferson

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